King Bastard

Ah yes, well reasoned responses from all. I stand corrected, and rightly so! Still dangit, can you imagine how much pain and warfare and such could've been avoided if the eagles could've just mounted a huge offensive, and had just one of them sneak past the seven guys on fell beasts and just dropped the ring into


I've always wondered why they couldn't have just gotten the eagles to pick up Frodo and let him drop the ring into the lava from above right away, thus removing at least two movies' worth of action.

He really half-assed it. I mean, if it was me, I'd have made those breasts a LOT bigger.

Yeah, one episode per entry. Make it last.


*hangs head* I am a dummy. But since the Sun is a sphere, it is as long as it is wide! Right? Right?

HA! Neither of you are ladies, much less fineass ladies.

…rapist gets you pregnant, decides to do "the honorable thing"…

So, fineass AV Club ladies, a question…
Which is bigger:

Koski's a witty one! She has a special place in my heart for that very reason. She and I, we're no strangers to love. She knows the rules, and so do I. Full commitment's what I'm thinking of. She wouldn't get that from any other guy.

I was in 8th grade when this came out, and while I didn't give a damn, several of my friends got SO into it that they all swore they'd be Naval aviators (even going so far as to diss the Air Force because they weren't Naval aviators), and all bought identical brown leather bomber jackets. My god, what a bunch of

I vote for Rhys Darby. Just to be utterly ridiculous.

Eboby, he was married to Ethel Merman for about a month. Rumor has it she got tired of him giving her "Dutch Oven" treatments in bed. I am not kidding.

He definitely was passing along a valuable life lesson to not become one of those retirees who sits around doing nothing, letting the remainder of their life slowly fade away.

I'm going to work that into a blues song now:

But he has all the eyebrows you lack, and then some.

or [fistfucks an elephant]

Personally, (and this is probably because it was the first of Chow's movies that I saw), I prefer God of Cookery. Also enjoyed that one because I used to love Iron Chef.

Jackoff, I have to say I wouldn't mind that.