King Bastard

And I like big butts, and I cannot lie.

I honestly and completely seriously thought that image was a joke, where someone had photoshopped the same woman's face on all those bodies. I'm still having a hard time believing they're distinct faces.

How about "third Alien sequel, starring Winona Ryder"? That's pretty frightening.

Apparently instead of a new alien movie, they need to make a movie about why there is no sound in space.

I somehow manage to never hear the radio, and almost never go into stores that play background music, and never watch current broadcast TV, only TV on DVD, so I miss the commercials. It's kind of an amazing way to stay inside my own bubble and have little idea of these songs. At some point, this site becomes my only

Yay! I love this thread.

Bring it on! Your grip is unweakened by the ravages of age, and your youthful enthusiasm, undimmed by the slow cynicism of jaded Father Time. Plus, I can probably get a nice angle staring at your cleavage.

Depends on who's offering.

I don't really need the vodka. It slows down my "jerkin' arm".

I'm 37 myself, which is my excuse for not knowing any of those songs. I know most of the artists, but the songs just flew right over my head.

Dang MDDG, you were in high school in 2005? I apparently have been leching over a very young woman.

In my case, neither a fuckton nor a buttload come close to a pantload.

Dude, don't get sassy. I play a real guitar too, and this isn't even the same thing; it's a game. That's like criticizing people who play Grand Theft Auto because they're not REALLY carjackers and mobsters.

I've never seen this movie. I may never. But of one thing I can be sure: Force does indeed equal Mass times Acceleration.


I Like Big Butts, But I Lie About It.

Yeah, that was the Homicide movie that they did to wrap up the loose ends, and frankly it was a mess. You didn't really miss much. I prefer to just let the finale stand on its own.

I'm a huge Homicide fan, and one of the things it taught me was that in the hands of the right director, an actor's game can be raised significantly. This was the first time I saw Robin Williams actually do a good dramatic role, and the first time I saw Jena Malone and any number of other new or underrecognized

Am I the only guy who actually liked Stillmatic as well?

I put out shit DAILY. Usually right after my shower.