King Bastard


*gasp* He's a LIBERAL!

FUCK yeah. Fillion as the Lone Ranger. The part he was born to play, after Captain "the" Hammer "ismypenis".

So if I hated Harvest Moon, I'll love this?

Yeah yeah… I'm really mostly just busting on Tarantino. I love at least some of the man's work, but sometimes his movies give me head pains.

Yeah, both of you may have a point… it's a matter of degree though. The lyrics I heard on "Fork in the Road" sounded several degrees worse than the stuff from the 70s, though yeah, overall a lot of his lyrics are a little on the "soft foundation" side…

I shit Tom Werman out of my butt every morning, and every night while I'm sleeping, that bull-headed bastard just crawls right back in there! Goddammit, I know something about Tom Werman. Until you've passed a grown man out your anus, you don't REALLY know him.

Quentin Tarantino had an editor?

Lobsters be trollin'!

I'm going to have to give this a listen, but I don't know if I want to spend money on it unheard. Damn Lala.com for going away. Because honestly, his lyrics on the last few albums HAVE been what turned me off of them. Sure, the rest of it was, as said above, kind of recycled, but the lyrics were just pretty stupid,

I'm going to say maybe. But then again, it's always a possibility. Who can tell?

Landing on Water is pretty bad, but come on, there's SO MUCH crappy stuff to choose from in that era, how do you single out that one album? There are a couple of decent songs under the crappy production. I'm not wholly certain the same can be said for his other 80s Geffen albums. Particularly not "Everybody's

Awww Lobsters. Neil Young rocks your world and you know it.

I don't know why I don't just change my name to "Just a Honky That Loves Titties".

MDDG, I know you're just being sarcastic, because frankly your breasts are all I really care to talk about these days. I keep wondering why the fuck they waste a bunch of time talking about "Mad Men" and "Juggaloes" and "internet memes" and "Breaking Bad" when they MUST know by now that all we really care about is

I'm going to say they're not truly spectacularly big tits until you've hit a full DD. Honestly, I start to palpitate in the F cup range.

Wimmin be whorin', mens be objectifyin'…

I figured "Casino" was the proper sequel. They looked almost like the same movie.

And by the way, I dig it when you're trying to be coquettish. Yum.

Well no, obviously MDDG, these digs aren't quite what a woman of your social standing would be used to. But next door there's a killer abandoned Office Depot. They even have a few ergonomic office chairs in there! I think it would be a lovely little place to call home.