King Bastard

I like to stuff other people hard. Sigh.

Then she should've used the award to masturbate on stage. We would've never forgotten that VMA moment either, and it would've been far far cooler than what actually happened.

I would imagine she was covered in flies in a matter of moments.

I want my World's Greatest Grampa mug!

How would a person such as, say, myself, feel about a band such as, say, Muse, if he really hated another band such as, say, Radiohead?

And then it all comes to a rather underwhelming close with Decentember.

Poopy Russes? I like my Russes clean and poop-free, thank you very much.

Yeah, if there's one thing real life has taught me, it's that if you're a man and you're shy, you're never getting any at all. Ugh.

I would totally date you Manic Depressive Dream Girl. Slightly nerdy girls are the hottest things on earth.

When I was a child, blowing up the moon was just a beautiful dream… now it's science fact!

I just liked how quiet they were. That was so awesome to me… that feeling like his songs were being whispered to you…

Honestly the Shepherd's Dog didn't really do it for me. Those first two albums were immaculate. I guess I just don't want him to "evolve" much past that initial sound.

@Ellsworth, come on now, Kirk most certainly should have been able to win that fight! Khan was a primarily earth-bound genetic warrior. His strategy indicated two-dimensional thinking, while Kirk was a space warrior, who was well suited to doing battle in three dimensions. Khan was simply outmatched due to a lack

I'm just saying, it's been done before. They even have an adjective for it: "Andy Kaufman-esque". If it's real, then it's fascinating only for those who like to watch celebrities implode. If it's fake, then it's been done before many times, and it doesn't even sound like it's all that different than some actor

I went to a Marina once and Sub-Mariner sucked my dick while I was swimming with the dolphins. True story.

No reasonable discussions are occurring
Largely because no reasonable discussion about this piece of work CAN occur. I mean, what the hell? Really. What the hell?

Oh now, you're just not looking hard enough.

Yeah, where the hell can I find that Sungod album?? It sounds awesome, and I don't really even like most metal!

Sir Osis, dammit why did you have to remind me??

"Good thing Wo's got a birthday coming up!"