King Bastard

I want Crazy Gibberish's movie.

Far more awesome… like gazelle-fucking.

I'll get bitten and get an innate understanding of YOUR compounds, smartass!

I could give two shits about this reacharound of a show, but I will say this: "Rubicon" was the name of the band that eventually became Night Ranger. Just sayin'.

Damn.. I LIKE how that crazy android thinks…

It's about a number of women who enjoy the sexual company of other women, all of whom are lactating from recent pregnancies, and enjoy sharing their breastmilk with the other ladies. It's something like 23rd or 24th in a series of like minded budget films by aspiring auteurs.

Christina Hendricks' beautiful breasts have cast a spell on me, causing me to fall in love with her.

I once had a car that would turn into a tiny spaceship that would fly right up my ass whenever dogs came around barking and scared it, but one time it flew WAY up my ass into my colon, and at that point discovered it really liked the leisurely pace of life up there, and decided to set down roots and start a family.

Nope. I'm 110% this obnoxious in real life. Plus, I really am King of Bastards, and I really do have a 23-foot-long dick which I lease out to the local fire station for use in rescuing people from tall buildings.

Lou Reed's low point? God, there are so many of them… Street Hassle actually ends up being one of his BETTER albums.

I am right in my opinions, and you are wrong in yours. You are wrong in yours BECAUSE I am right in mine. Fear is the mind killer.

Sometimes I just wish I had everyone's address, so I could mail a blurry black-and-white photocopy of my penis right to your doorstep.

Yeah, actually that makes the album sound MORE awesome. Especially the Cera-on-hurdy-gurdy part. When I look at Michael Cera, I see not only a perpetual teenager, but a hu-u-u-u-urdy gu-u-u-u-urdy ma-a-a-an.

Did you see Hero? That one was really good. Maybe you just saw the wrong Yimou movie.

I had a friend who was half Irish and half Japanese. It was really funny, because she totally fit the drinking stereotypes: she loved drinking but couldn't hold her liquor for shit.

I prefer just to dive right into that Weeping Vagina and swim around awhile.

I like TNA. A lot.

I love "Time"… that's full of beautiful imagery.


I could totally be imagining this, but I seem to recall a friend of mine had an extended edition on VHS that was SO extended that the opening exposition took literally a half an hour.