King Bastard

What's the mouse for? To feed the cat with, of course!

Did he play one of the floating vaginas?

Frankly none of these breasts you guys are talking about are doing anything for me. Did you see above us? Did you see?

My heart goes out to you, MDDG, among other of my body parts. Here, take my hand, we'll go looking for a nice bra for you together. I promise I'll be gentle.

Oh, and yeah, 28G is an existent size. You just gotta know how bra sizes work. And frankly, I'm an expert in this area. Heheheh.


28G? Are you kidding me @King Bastard troll? 28 is circumference of the ribcage, indicating that if anything, she's actually very small. She's got huge breasts on a very small frame, which is something that this King of Bastards finds absolutely irresistable. I mean it, Ms. Dream Girl is going to be Mrs. Queen

Dammit. Where are you all you cool pop-culture loving incredible-breasted girls in real life? 28G?? Holy fuck, I'm just sitting here agape, mentally fapping.

I feel a sudden urge to get to know anyaroses VERY well.

Idiotking, how does it make you feel knowing your mom was the kind of girl I dream about having a VERY long and involved, extraordinarily sexual relationship with?

I think I'll roll another number for the road. I'll feel able to get under any load.

No sir, I do not joke. I am a world-renowned expert on all things Italian.

Okay, we take dogs, see? And then we heat 'em up in a microwave, see? And then after they explode, we take the gooey remains out, and use it as a dessert topping, see? See?

And I wish you'd shake up your diet so your stool wasn't always loose.

Having travelled extensively in Italy, I can point out that tomato sauce is not a feature of cuisine in some part or other of the country. I can also state with no small amount of authority that all Italians, without exception, fuck their mothers, smear their bodies in the excrement of children with Downs Syndrome,

This article just makes me envy her fellow there. Who knew she was such a sex-minx? I didn't. Dammit, why don't I meet more ladies like that?!

MILF cleavage is like the Nexus to me. I could get lost in that forever and never care.

8 inches? Shit. I've got a 23-foot wang, but you don't see anyone writing books about me.

Shit, that's just what those damn Swedes do.

If you ask REALLY nicely, maybe they'll assfuck you with a shellacked Twinkie.