King Bastard

I could be wrong, since it's been a LONG time since I saw this movie, but didn't Bacon actually lose? Didn't they have to hold the dance in the next county over or something?

I think that's what I'm getting at as well. I know that the Crusades and the Inquisition and all that aren't really the defining factors of Christianity (though I must add that you'd be naive to think the Church wasn't founded on the blood of god knows how many people who disagreed with it; then again, the same could

Fucking Montana Fishburne for money…

Looks like Pumper's not going to "spare the rod" if you know what I'm sayin'…

Czar, being as I'm not Christian, it doesn't really matter to me. The Christians who seem to have the biggest megaphones are usually the ones who are the first to judge AND the first to pull the persecution card, despite the fact that Christianity pretty much rules in this, the most powerful nation in the world, so

It would be Christy. And yet they don't. There's a reason Christians have been painted with such a broad stroke, and that reason can be found in those that you all collectively ALLOW to speak for you.

I think - and I think we all know this - she means the Christian Church. And while she's probably acting like a petulant child, acting as if the world gives a damn about her spiritual orientation, I can understand the basic feeling behind what she's saying. I'm an atheist, so it doesn't matter to me, but I

I like I and II a lot. III's okay, but it's got too much acoustic stuff. IV rules of course, but god, how many times can a person hear "Stairway to Heaven" and not get sick of it?

I like asking cute asses questions, knowing full well that the best answer I'm going to get is a cute little fart.

Yes, we are all flat on our backs enjoying the thrust of your vision.

Dang, that is sad. That man MADE roughly a third of Neil Young's recorded output, and a larger percentage of the really great stuff.

And depressing too, since these days, what do we get? Crappy whitebread Christian Contemporary Music. Jesus H. That stuff sucks poo.

Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah? Blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah; blah blah blah! Blahhhh, blah blah blah. Blah, blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah, blah blah blahhhhhhhh. BLAH. Blah blah blah blah, blah blah: http://www.blahblahblah.com. Blah.

And lacking in moxie.

I gotta be honest
I can't be there with you on Hunger Strike. That was just okay to me. It was kind of a one-note joke, and while David did a great job with it, it never really transcended "try to say something relevant, then break down and talk about food" over and over again. In other words, it never really

The laaaazer beeeam of lovvvvvve
This show made me the Masta Pimp I am today.

Every five weeks that Will Smith ISN'T retired is a scary five weeks.

This post, when paired with your avatar picture, is HILARIOUS.

Our long national nightmare will not be over until our long nation is over.

The first paragraph is awesome. If I were stuck in a hotel with David Spade and Chris Farley I'd want to punch someone.