King Bastard

Which I think would play nicely into one of the show's major themes, the paranoia that comes with living that lifestyle.

Drunk Dave, welcome to my own personal hell.

I read that as "Klingon Pilsbury", which is an awesome image. Worf getting poked in the belly and giggling.

It really boggles the mind to consider women whose breasts are "too big". That's like saying there are "too many" good movies being made, or that a rollercoaster ride is "too long".

"Difficult as hell to get through, and probably not worth the effort. But I felt good when I finished it."

Yes, that would've been nice.

Morris Dancing is my agent. He got me that gig at the Palladium, remember? He's alright… good mensch… got nothing bad to say about him…

Really? That sounds like my kind of show. Depends on the ladies I guess. I mean if they're like Jabba-the-Hutt big, that's problematic.

When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette to your last dying day.

Damn I hate four-on-the-floor. I don't dance though, so there's that.

I'm callin' my bookie.

Coldplay's singer and contemptuous music make me feel sad.

I can imagine being on top of Binky, thrusting away in ecstasy, while she continues talking about Rob Reiner, and the things he can't do without getting a bunch of public attention.

She can't act her way out of the ghostly remains of a paper back 30 years her senior, but my GOD she's hot. I mean, at least when she was 26 in that movie. The promotional image of the movie with her nude and silhouetted just gave me happy pants. I can't imagine how stunning she must've been at 18 when that guy

That whole sketch is particularly funny if you've ever worked at the student program board in college. It's not really that far removed from the sort of low-level entertainment package agencies that you have to deal with when finding and booking on-campus entertainment.

And I'll cheerfully admit I'm vastly superior to the masses. I mean, I'm a king, it's right there in my name.

I will put my penis in your vagina.
But don't even be frontin' girl
Cause ain't much that rhymes with vagina.

WHOA. What died in here?

Yeah, whattup with this sausage party up in comedy??

Now now… when you assume, you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".