King Bastard

Women be shoppin'…

Mad Max and The Road Warrior are two of my favorite movies of all time. Since then? Not much on the Gibson landscape.

And Svetlana was one of the ones I always thought was handled really well. You saw her coming a mile away, and they introduced her well in advance of any real plot developments central to her. That was cool.

Many before you have tried to ask if she's on Team Bene Gesserit or Team Honored Matre.


I know it's hardly "popular music", but I have to throw a shout-out to Julian Cope's "Krautrocksampler". If you're interested in Krautrock, it's pretty definitive. My own rather extensive Krautrock collection certainly had a huge portion of it drawn from that book.

Sure, the jail thing I find plausible, but there are many other instances in the show where some new person is introduced as being someone who's always been there and always been significant, but you never hear about him or see him prior. There are definitely excuses to be made for this, always, but it's still a

I'll never forget that day, Felt Pelt. That was the day I punched a grizzly bear in the nuts and lived to tell the tale.

Sure, it's a normal part of a sexual relationship with a woman, unless you're an asshole. And that's one of the things that I DID like about that part of the episode. Everyone secretly acknowledges (like to their wives and such) that they do it, sure, of course they do. But it just can't be said out in the open.

These writeups (as well as most AV Club writeups) should be long. Really long. Like, "King Bastard's Legendary Penis" long.

I guess, but sometimes it was just annoying. I understand they couldn't plan everything out in advance, so they got a pass, but sometimes it just stuck out. Tony Soprano has a cousin named Tony Blundetto who he's close as siblings with, and they spent loads of time together in their younger years teasing

Sally Forthed.

Clumsily introducing new characters and situations
That was always my number one beef with this show, and I say that as a huge fan who immediately bought every DVD set as it came out. I love love love this show, but the way characters are suddenly introduced as if they'd been there all along and were important

Word on the street has it that Koski loves me, but just won't admit it.

There were. I know there was "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" which wasn't strictly a Jesus musical, but another Andrew Lloyd Webber Christian adaptation. And the other big one was "Godspell". The thing was, in the late 60s and early 70s, hippies glommed onto the idea that Jesus was the original

But… but… I'm afraid of commitment.

Two hours maybe? Longer than you probably want to watch. It's very "70s" if you know what I mean. If you can, just watch the first ten minutes or so. That's the part most closely parodied.

I'ma be honest witchoo fellas: I personally think Mr. Show may be the best sketch comedy EVER. That's just one man's opinion, but I'm a big fan of the subgenre, and have been mercilessly and relentlessly watching my box sets of Monty Python, KITH, SNL, SCTV, the State, and Mr. Show, and Mr. Show is still the one

I need to watch more of the commentaries I guess. I watched the one for "Biggest Failure" and was totally underwhelmed. It just didn't do anything. But I keep hearing they're hilarious, and I have watched the series something like half a dozen times already without the commentary, so maybe it's time now.

"Rodrigo's the best!"