King Bastard

Mostly this just makes me really miss Hulk Hogan, and his retarded little brother.

Yeah, that Jeepers Creepers sketch isn't really a parody of all 70s jesus musicals; it's specifically Jesus Christ Superstar. If you haven't seen that, you need to, because it's a PERFECT parody, particularly of the opening minutes of the movie. So yeah, if you want that sketch to take on added resonance, watch

The real shame..
The real shame is that she didn't go back to pick up the body for meat. I mean come on, it's a new economy we're living in. You kill it, you eat it. That should be the new rule.


Amy Acker gives me the jimmy-stiffs. She's probably really too skinny and all, but still…

yeah! Americans SUCK!!

I recall feeling the same way the first time I saw John Holmes in action.

I absolutely love Happy Gilmore, which I cannot say about any of his other movies at this point. But I mostly loved Happy Gilmore because I knew a guy in high school who was kind of like that. An athlete, not a great one, but had some good attributes, but mostly was just insanely competitive and a little bit insane.

I agree with Sarccastro by the way… Buck's picture is AWESOME. I always look at it when I read his posts, and imagine him doing that.

I need to watch "The Funeral" again, but I remember being bored stiff by the first hour, basically forcing myself to finish the film out, and then being totally dumbfounded by how kickass awesome it got, real quick.

Is that Horsefellow after a few grammar school lessons?

It might've happened. You don't know. Were you a fly in the poop of Steve Martin's kid? No. You're a fly in the poop of some other kid.

I enjoy the fact that when this article shows up on the tab of my IE browser here at work, it says "Sean Connery comes out". Awesome.

OTP, I gotta love you for that.

Would you say you're erect? Aroused? Tumescent?

Military jargon military jargon military jargon, gawddammit!


Oh jesus christ. After ranking Coen Brothers' movies, I think ranking Weezer albums is probably the second most annoying and yet post-prolific discussions we have here.

Also, it kind of ties in to the whole mafia thing, as in Godfather II, when they talk about the mafia structure being derived from the Roman army.

That's okay Fritzy-poo. Let King Bastard make it a'ight. Let me hold you in my warm embrace, your heaving bosoms like soft mountains attempting to burst through the rainclouds blanketing them (in this case representing your blouse) to reach the gleaming sun of my tumescent manhood. As our bodies touch, you begin