King Bastard

I'm all for it.
I like any movie that combines Lithgow, sexiness, and monkeys.

No, not unless there was some kind of behind-the-scenes thing going on at the Daily Show.

We can agree that there were a good many decent synth players in the 80s, but we CANNOT agree that Eddie Van Halen was one of them.

Word, y'all. Canada has given us 4/5 of the Band, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, William Shatner, and probably roughly half of the cast of SCTV. Plus, they don't really seem to go after people smoking pot, and they're pretty laid back on the international scene. I dig Canada.

There's an artist in Houston who does this act where he eats mayo out of a jar using a butcher knife until he throws it all back up.

idiotking, who IS fucking Nickelback?

Chucrivo, I can't imagine that's the case, since he was pretty coked up for the next several years, as I recall. Maybe that was the point, but it just didn't take.

Never apologize for barenaked ladies, unless they are ugly and/or really really old.

Yeah, this was a keeper. Best write-up of these yet, particularly all the Celine-bashing.

I know, shit, I would've gone to see THAT movie. But not this one. Oh hell no.

Oh they're juggling balls together alright. Just not soccer balls.

Are you guys talking a bunch of smack about my crappy-schtick again?

So it would've worked better if it was Axl Sigur Ros.

Of course the second greatest moment of your young life will be when I look at you and say in a soft husky whisper "nice cans, baby".

Llama's offering you quite a deal!

John Lee Hooker, bitches. You don't need no fancy chords; throw the fancy chords away.

For banter, I think Venom have it sewn up.

If you put yourself on eBay, I will personally bid at least TWELVE dollars.

It just makes me think of that Nazareth album. You know, the one that doesn't have "Love Hurts" on it.

What was he doing in the closet? Was he masturbating? I used to do that, before I got my masturbatorium.