King Bastard

Oh yeah! As per my previous comment, THIS is why I had a crush on Lauper back in the 80s. Because she was hot!

What's an ass band?

I believe C is for cookie. And that is good enough for me.

So, you like letting an artist "explore different areas", eh Taint?

All great directors directed with farts. Except Orson Welles; he directed with great deep sonorous belches.

It's hardly "great", but I had the same experience with Kentucky Fried Movie. For a long time I was only mildly amused by the Fistful of Yen part, but then I finally saw Enter the Dragon and laughed the whole way through it. Watch Jesus Christ Superstar sometime. If it doesn't kill you with its 70s-ish-ness, you'll

I think Jay is never TOO over the top. He's perfectly over the top. I don't know why he can get away with it and not John Ennis, but it's true. I've always cringed a little at Ennis working up a sweat doing the TTOMO interview ("vide-e-i-e-i-O!"), but Jay is perfect in everything.

Here's the thing about Cars: in my limited experience, it's the one Pixar movie that really young kids love. Maybe that's why so many people have a hard time with it compared to other Pixar movies; I know most of the people I talk to about it seem to think it's the least essential of their movies. But still,

While I sit, mildly chided.

I have no issue whatsoever with my Glorious Jimmy being objectified by your fiery redheaded libido. Bring. It. On.


And just the way it was staged and shot. Sure, that was probably amazingly easy to do, but I always appreciate the little touches in comedy that prove that they were really thinking about how best to convey the feeling of whatever's being parodied, and they did an amazing job here.

People call me boner all the time.

But now we're coming up on the Jesus Christ Superstar parody, one of my favorite sketches of all time. It doesn't hurt that I grew up with the original. Parody-wise, they do an astounding job.

I would let Texas Annie sit in my lap for the duration of Toy Story 3, but only if she let me spank her ass a little and go "whoo-hah!" as if I were the very stereotype of a rodeo cowboy.

I really really REALLY wish someone would make a porn version of this, perhaps in 3-D. Wandie the magic AC-powered supervibrator has to keep up the spirits of the Jackrabbit, King Dong, and the other denizens of a sexually overwrought woman's secret stash of sex toys while she goes into menopause and her interests

But does a retired-but-still-hot porn star explain it with her shirt off? Inquiring minds want to know!

Dang. Everybody be so talky!

Dude, if you throw a CD at someone at a show, you deserve an ass-beating no matter what the circumstances. Those things are hard and have sharp corners.

Yep, four years later…
I just figured I'd firstie this article, four years after it was posted. My balls are your favorite flavor of ice cream.