King Bastard

After doing some research, I've decided that Eh Me and I need to become dance partners. We will specialize in THIS dance:

Yeah, when they pulled his clips off of YouTube, I was heartbroken. I can't count the number of times I'd be stressed about somethign, and I'd put on some Bob Ross and feel right as rain.

I'd like a custom-made codpiece, with the piece itself depicting a leonine face, and fringed with a "mane". That way women will associate my genitals with a lion, the king of her "panty jungle".

Good lord I love Bob Ross more than I should. I don't even care about painting, I just want that show on DVD so I can go to sleep to his dulcet tones every night.


That joy will reawaken and amplify itself upon viewing my codpiece.

Of all the memes I have encountered in my travels… his was the most… human.

That must've been a maximally sexilicious moment.

Whatever happened to Fay Wray? That beautiful satin-draped frame…

Perhaps each of you knows how tasty these delicacies are, and that's why you partake.

I guess it's true.
This man is a bona fide poo-head.

Yeah, honestly every line Kenny as Lincoln has in that sketch kills me. I watch it as much for him as for anything. Fuckin' Tom Kenny… how does he work?

Instead of all that, I went you one better. I got a Twitter account. Seriously, tell me that's not the shizzie. My name there is King_Bastard

It kind of gives you hope, right? That someday maybe you could be the one who-

Paul the Teacher
He has taught me everything I know about being a drunk classy lad.

Yeah I'm down Montrose way quite a bit, actually. It's my home away from home. Actually, it used to be my actual home, and I'm STILL kicking myself for moving out of there. What a perfect place.

Yes idiotking, if I were gay, I'd be on your jock like Tinactin… all creamy and foul-smelling.

I was around before registration too, though not forever like some of you. I think I was using a different name though. Something even stupider.

Elrond, as per my previous paragraphs, we'd actually need TWO rooms. WIth approximately 23 feet of space between them.
