King Bastard

The Irrelevant:

I preferred the Foley in News Radio. That guy was such a pussy!

Yeah, shit. I don't really want to be, but I think I'm right on that one.

Well now you make him sound like Richard Harris. Or Richard Harris as parodied by Dave Thomas anyway.

Young hotshot? Isn't that Turkish for SHIA THE BEEF!!!

You probably also believe it's stupid to fuck teenagers.

… and then he tittyfucks her. End of movie.

I think my comfort food music would be Neil Young and the Velvet Underground. I can listen to either at any time, and instantly feel relaxed and at home. They're like a snuggly blanket with curse words written all over it.

It sounds like I would love that movie so much I would fuck it, and my dick would hurt.

I would see this movie if it were a porno.

Yeah, sure. They're the ones who wrote that badass Crowbar song, "No Quarter".

He is not a Frenchie, he is a Belgie!

I've been trying to stalk Koski, but I don't know that my efforts are being appreciated.

Hasn't the whole "Hasn't the whole 'Hasn't the whole… thing been played out?' thing been played out?" thing been played out?

I'm a big fan of Crowbar's cover of "No Quarter". That's some heavy shiznit.

Hey hot ladieez, here's some simple but effective mathology: KB=U+FWB

Golan and Globus, I wonder if that's because people have a hard time imagining Andy Warhol hanging out with an actual woman.

The fucking 70s Show is better than tha muthafuckin Magna CARTA, bitchezzz!

I like boobies, but less so the lethal kind that are in traps.

As I recall, Venom drank the vomit of priests.