King Bastard

There's also possibly a nugget in my pants, if you'd care to look.

I wish I got more titulars.

Hmmm… I'll take Navy Vice Admiral Barry M. Costello, Penthouse Pet of June 1999 Angelica Costello, and British poet Louisa Stuart Costello in a torried three-way filmed for 1984-era Caballero Home Video.

The sexy sexy cleaning men…

So you thought Ghostface didn't have enough penises for your liking, AND they were too short?

All of this raises the question of just how many penises Mr. Face has.

I prefer the first thing he says onscreen when he's chasing away the sand people:

Actually I just read that little clip up there, and it just doesn't compute. I mean, I understand the words, but they don't make sense.

You're talking about an imminent fuckfest starring my jimmy?


I hear Jonsi did actually take a dump on a turntable, but the engineer forgot to hit the record button, so now a crucial piece of spontaneous artistic history has been lost to the ages, and those of us who can simply stand by, hearts aflutter, hands crossed and fingers threaded like peasants at church can only weep

These assholes LOVE YOU… you're going to kill that? You're going to kill LOVE?

What if Ghostface was fucking your ass, fucking your mouth, fucking your girlfriend, fucking your wife, and eyeing your daughter? That'd be too much Ghostface I think.

Of course, the replicant would know.

But certainly no worse…

Plus, Pegasus lacks boobs.

I was always trying to figure out why Zeus constantly sounded out of breath in the original movie. He's always gasping his lines out like he's dying.

Here Geddy, we'll temper that to make it work for everyone:

I think his name was Willy. He was all "NOBODY FUCKS WITH THE WILLY!" and "WILLY GOTTA GET HIM SUMMA DAT FINE PUSSY!" and we were all cowering in our condoms waiting for the wrath of Willy.

I know several women who would swear up and down that my badass sexual technique single-handedly justified the existence of the paddle. Their buttocks remember my tender ministrations all too well…