King Bastard

This title is wrong
Only because everyone knows *I* am the Greatest. Therefore this movie's title is misleading; everyone will show up thinking it's a movie about me, and be utterly disappointed, because a movie about me would be suffused in awesomeness and gettin' busy, and this movie appears to contain neither of

Sure, but only if there are Alabamians in the rest of the house.

You should've asked more follow-up questions about his tool. Maybe for a future Random Roles.

And a Better Tomorrow! Shit, even a Better Tomorrow II, with the inevitable twin brother!

Yeah, Nicholson in the Shooting is PERFECT. You'll see him as a gunslinger then, trust me.

Are you by any chance a horny illiterate chick? Because I could read out loud to you if you like…


I miss MechaGodzilla and Rodan.

Tomorrow. That promise is being fulfilled tomorrow.

Being a mom may not be hard, but I am!

DC, what are you talking about? What's this Chevy Chase business? You've piqued my curiosity!

I love Buck's avatar, and every thread it appears in seems tailor-made for that facial expression.

Which in turn makes them sound like some kind of wholesome dessert. "Yes, I'd like some of your ample bosom, Mrs. Crabtree. It's the best ample bosom in all the county!"

1973, but hey, I likes the youngsters. Especially the fine young ladieez. Damn.

Just had to revisit this, and say "POOTIE TANG!!!" as a man shouting off the cliffs into the ages.

Don't let the heinies get you down.

Beholders! Mind Flayers! Shamblers!

I like the Hand. I'm always trying to get a job from it.

Imagining Jim Rockford pretending to be Kira rollerskating around in Gunny Sax dresses, leg warmers, and ribbon barrettes has been the highlight of my day. Time to die.