El Ravo

Well, just so long as you're able to show it to the Laker girls.

When Mike was in the bar, I was pretty sure that was a calculated move to buy a round of drinks. I assumed that he was trying to draw attention to himself, like he wanted the Salamancas to figure it out and come back to him so that he could dictate terms.

I think I must be the only person in the free world who likes that album. I'll admit that it was definitely the movie that made me go back and check it out again. It took a while, but some of the tracks really grew on me. Over the last 10 years, Frantic, Some Kind of Monster, My World, Shoot Me Again, and All

Jurassic 5, all the way live!

That was actually Zaakir's dad. For a long time I thought it was their way of showing the difference between a supportive and non-supportive parent having those two messages on there. But then when the DVD for Power in Numbers came out, Chali had his whole family on there and they were all totally cool and

That's right. He works in software. In the software business. No corrective lenses tonight, Mr. Papageorgio? "No, I do not require them."

And I ALWAYS skip Back in the U.S.S.R. But I always stick around for Baby You're A Rich Man.

I often skip Eleanor Rigby because to me it feels like high school poetry. But I have never once skipped "Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby." Pure fun, every time.

Too right, mate. When I heard The Smithereens on the radio, I would always rock out hard and wonder why they weren't huge rock stars. Then I saw them perform on an old SNL rerun and I knew why. America has no tolerance for balding musicians.

It's funny (and very sad) that these guidelines sound just like the standards for network cop shows.

Homeless shelter? Why in the world would I want to fund a HOMELESS SHELTER?!!

I think that was Brad Pitt and the Basterds' philosophy too. I always knew Lt. Aldo Raine was on to something…

I wouldn't worry too much about it. As soon as Amanda realizes that her dad likes Lip she's going to put him out on his ass anyway.

Nailed it.

I feel like Camille would have had something to say about that. For real, how does Drew's terrible girlfriend get into the wedding photo when Sarah practically had to beg Camille to let her fiance in on that family photo a few seasons ago?

Those big smiles in the family photos are very realistic, actually. People with Asbergers and on the autism spectrum have to learn to smile for photos and that huge smile is one that is taught. It's very common.

"Look, I don't know, man. These guys got their fucking talking dolls and shit."

Who IS Harvey Pekar?

"Kind and hopeful" is probably a tone we could stand to take every minute of every day. Thanks for making me feel good this morning.

In Dave's book he says something like "classic VH made you want to drink, dance, and fuck. Current VH [the book is pretty old now] encourages you to drink milk, drive a Nissan and be in a monogamous relationship."