El Ravo

Totally. It's the same thing that happened when the Beastie Boys released Fight For Your Right and then spent their entire career trying to prove that it was a joke and they were so much more than that. The difference, I think, is that Dave said, "Welcome to the party dudebros. We have a new album coming out next

Believe it or not he lists in the acknowledgements that it's edited down from something like 1,200 pages. I can't imagine what fits his editor had deciding what to throw away and what to keep during what I assume was days and days and days worth of loosely connected stories.

Watching that scene I kept visualizing the two of them getting together for lunch without the cameras. Had they been alone, I imagine that Valerie would have helped her realize that if Juna were in Valerie's position (and who knows? Maybe she will be someday) then yes, it would be absolutely worth it.

I agree. I've been of the mind for years that Jax spends a lot of his criminal cash popping tags on new sneaks every other day. No way you could work in a garage, shoot that many people, and be constantly running around on gravel roads and through warehouses without scuffing up your decks.

The bylaw Jax was talking about is most certainly the one that prevents black men from joining the club. They're going to patch over the Grim Bastards, stack the votes in Jax's favor, and the Mayhem vote will end with Jax not getting killed by the club.

It seems like the showrunners are trying to squeeze an extra episode out of the season by having only half of the cast members on one episode, then the other half on the next episode. That way they get two episodes for the price of one. I'm probably oversimplifying it, but I'll bet it's something like that.

Type something, will you? We're paying for this stuff.

Downvote for the Drive Me Crazy reference. Don't ever do that again. Double upvote for the Too Many Cooks reference. A net gain. Way to go LaToya!

For me it would be the giant book ""How I Did It" from Young Frankenstein

At least they're finally admitting this feature is just stuff that was on Reddit yesterday. That's some progress…

Thank you, truly, for sharing this. As the parent of two autistic sons I often wonder and worry if and how they will find romantic love in their lives. Your honesty here is very touching and has given me a small piece of insight. Best of luck to you!

Indeed. As soon as I heard her name, I was hoping to see the Sweeny Sisters.

This is exactly right. There is a joke about a man sitting on top of his house during a flood. He prays for salvation form God and waits for it while turning away two men in boats and a helicopter. When he asks God why he was forsaken (yes, Job actually does ask God why the righteous suffer) God later says to him,

The deaths of both Chumph and Mr. Numbers were horrific and bloody and graphic. I don't think we saw even a drop of blood with Molly, which is a good sign for her. And for all of humanity.

The Last Boyscout.

Who now?

Can we just concede that Crosby is going to end up buying Zeek and Camile's house? It's going to happen so let's get to that and not make it a big deal for the finale.

"channeling Tony Robbins by way of Gob Bluth" Have you seen Magnolia? That's the direct reference. And Grayson's body language in that scene is pretty spot on. Loved this episode. And really, no judgment, but a media critic should definitely see Magnolia.

1. Kristina starts a school and it gets extremely well funded due to the connections and goodwill she generated during her run for mayor.
2. Zeek and Camille sell their house to Crosby and Jasmine, keeping the house in the family (with the sibling who would most appreciate the character and history of the home) and

If the Bjelland Brothers ever make it to vinyl, I'm buying that shit in bulk and passing it out as Christmas gifts