Swobovian Wabbit Flu

Swedes & Danes did it!

I love Match Game!

I don't think TMBG and Dead Milkmen are really comparable, even as so-called "music geeks." Both have been huge parts of my personal musical history ("no, I still don't like them, even though it's oh-so-cute your kids do" and "I've always liked them, and always will," respectively), and I've never even considered

Here are a few to get you started:

Ain't no history like revisionist history! *banjo music*


How about a ventriloquist using a mime as a dummy?

When did ignorance of other cultures beyond their entertainment (&/or monetary) value for Americans become a liberal thing?

Fine, I'll say it
Gwyneth Paltrow's appearance puts frustrations over the top wherever she goes. Her droll little dalliances in the music world are simply icing on the hate cake.

I've read that too, though I haven't tested it in my own home.

@littlealex: have you tried melatonin and red wine? Works like a charm for me, though it tends to leave me a little groggier in the morning than the Tylenol-PM/red wine combo. The former definitely seems to be geared toward the "be sure you can devote a full 8 hours or more to sleep" crowd.

I certainly hope she asked the Elves' permission first…

RIP, indeed.

Really, mullets and acid-washed jeans were confined to metal kids in the Midwest in the 80s? I find that hard to believe.

MTV: 120 Minutes of Music

Acid-washed jeans and mullets aren't really that metal.

Oh you guys are fucking mean…

…like DOOM clarifying he meant duet SONGS.

First they came for my movie dollar, but I didn't speak up because I read books.
Then they came for my VHS dollar, but I didn't speak up because I went to movies in theatres.
Then they came for my DVD dollar, but I didn't speak up because I watched tapes.
Then they came for my streaming dollar, but I didn't speak up

You go to one of those "modern" churches, don't you, where they use Bibles, written in "accessible" English, encourage parishioners to "dress cas"and have Jesus kidnapped by Somali pirates on Good Friday, don't you? Today's Sermon ripped from the headlines!