Swobovian Wabbit Flu

Thank you all the same, Mr. O'Neal.


Crowd Awestruck, Horrified By Man Who Has Seen Sun

@EBM: …and this thread didn't even include a desperately revealing story from his sexual history involving [topic of thread &/or article].


Pussy weekend alcoholics…

Quite Jewish, actually.

I fault him only for choosing that assclown as the host…just god-awful. I don't care which god you choose…he was awful by any of their standards. That condescending "I don't know if they're SUPERhuman…" line he trotted out when comparing the actual abilities of others to his own party trick was the reason I quit

Yeah…that grin really answers the question with, "It's me." *shudders*

Did you smurf my wife?!!

He's new for the movie. He's called Gutsy, so naturally he's Scottish.

@DC: Not you, him

Vegetarians LOVE this…it's how we satisfy our blood lust.

We're here! We're queer! We don't want anymore bears at Lilith Fair!

That's just the excuse they all use so you'll stop fucking talking to them, Steve.

@El Crab: So happy to hear you met someone! In the Supernatural Teen Romance section… Why don't you have a seat?

Modern Female empowerment = feeding into sexual stereotypes and calling it "taking control of one's sexuality."

Careful…that hat may look ridiculous, but are you sure he won't use it like Oddjob if he feels threatened?

Rush fans have already bred…it's their offspring who are now breeding and turning the Rush onesie into THE must-have for their hipster larvae.