Swobovian Wabbit Flu

Newt's kids = efts.

Ditto, Drinky…sad fucking ditto, but ditto nonetheless.

*CLANG!* go Mr. T's buttocks

To be fair, most movies eventually turn up at the Redbox…

They use "partner" all the time in England (at least where I lived) to describe all romantic relationships regardless of marital status or sexual orientation. As much as I hate giving the British points for anything, I have to say I really dug it, as it is the noun that most accurately describes my current

My guess was Spiritualized was some new hip hop artist "discovered" by Usher and Fat Possum was a deaf blues singer who was a child prodigy but had disappeared into near obscurity until he was recently re-discovered by Usher when he and Kanye were cruising the small clubs of the South in some sort of "getting back to

@KHH: :"Being in Ireland, obviously the neighboring country to England…" wasn't blatant enough for you?

Very sad news
Very sad, indeed. This guy was hilarious.

You deserve whatever deformity it's got for calling it a "weenis."

The intro is him flying halfway up to the nest, using his fists of fire like afterburners, then belching forth a rainbow which he slides down until he reaches the nest…which then explodes into the word "WIN!"

While the smaller establishments will be serving the Sheen Stoplight, which is actually just a regular stoplight, only with powdered sugar on the rim.

Ich befriedige mich immer wenn ich Anne Hathaway sehe.

This is just awesome on so many levels. Thank you, Mr. President…thank you, indeed.

I thought this was a documentary! *storms out of room*

Go to that friend's house who really cannot afford it either, yet has it anyhow. That's what I do.

@Commander Shepard: Do you organize your preferred entertainers by first name?

Liar, liar pants on…whoa!

Yes…we can ask him the difference between a male witch and a warlock and watch him explode. I'll bet rainbows come out, just like Charlie Sheen.

Someone left a head out in the rain…

I've heard quite a few jokes that would seem to bear out Limeade's theory.