Swobovian Wabbit Flu

Today's forecast: Smug Cloudy with a 100% chance of Douche Rain.

Isn't the joke that all women think they're fat no matter what? Just the general sort of joke about women and their body images…and by "joke" I mean "stereotype." Thought that's what made it chick lit/-flick.

…or we can go the cognate route and say "Zell" = "cell."

Api-chat-pong Weer-ase-thak-ul…Apichatpong Weerasethakul…what's so hard about that???

I don't know…Indian Fisher Stevens is pretty weird.

At first I was going to make a snarky comment about him being a JW, but now I'm thinking that would be AWESOME to incorporate into this storyline…like Willie Aames as Bibleman. TO THE WATCHTOWER!!

She's currently writing book reviews using the name Ellen Wernecke.

She's not heartless…she's detail-oriented.

She still looks better than D'Arcy Wretzky. Holy fucking fuck.

Yeah! I'm GLAD he's pissing on that Radiohead single. Or most likely, Thom Yorke's head…or maybe Thom Yorke is giving him head. In conclusion, I'm sure this picture is supposed to be contemplative, but (1) it's Liam Gallagher and (2) it looks like Liam is doing something with or having something done to his Schwanz.

@Mr. Prig: That's seriously the one problem you had with this?

Not to blow HDB through a gloryhole or anything, but he DID say he was "honest" and not "a realist," so I really don't think he's a gimmick. Actual douche- and/or dickbag, most likely. Just probably not a gimmick.

I was living in England and that Leona Lewis song was everywhere. Most pubs had jukeboxes in them and invariably someone would play that song 5-10 times (also, Take That!, but that's another story for another day). "Bleeding Love" is also one of those songs that most female fans (iow, most fans) think they can sing

Good gentle youth, tempt not a desperate man to dance a desperate do-si-do.

The powerhouse production team of Sexsmith and Rock.

I can't stop thinking about this movie!
Great job, Internet!

*throws cabbage*

This is a fantastic movie. Truly hilarious and still eminently quotable.

I think the point of the story is that Apatow is originally from a planet further away from the sun than Earth where the longer days make watching 10 hours of TV a night possible. The confinement he must have felt with our limited earth nights and his constant fear that he'll be found out and killed for mating with

Was actually dropkicking them too obvious a choice?