Swobovian Wabbit Flu

*music swells*

Well, they certainly were fruitful in their multiplication…

Do they have a category for school board members? I'd really prefer to get all my BFD voting out of the way without leaving the house.

LOVE Rotten Sound! I had the same feeling about them when I saw them in MN as you did about Wormrot in NC, Zero…they were just a bit more Finnish about it.

I'm still excited as fuck to be seeing these guys live…one week & counting!

I think I've said this before, but Lt. Broccoli, I LOVE your avatar.

The way he handles his business, our man Daniel is more like a rap star
This reminded me of Andy Samberg's Blizzard Man character.

I'm pretty sure Gary Cherone knows full well how much he sucks. He's probably still laughing about getting to be in VH, in fact.

It was funnier when he punched the Church Lady. Normally I only condone minor annoyance of Christian women, but when they're transvestites, they're just asking for it.

3D Stooges?

@Prole Hole: it was actually a storyline from Warehouse 13. You should probably wait for Cmndr_X's movie, though.

Sorry, Miller, but I don't think Gene Simmons was actually pointing to YOU in the video for that song.

Josh Horowitz
…whose interviews with Reeves are fast becoming the Frost/Nixon of Bill And Ted sequel news…

National Lampoon Presents: The Naked Goosestep

You have displeased the Eyebrows of Silverman. Prepare to meet thy doom.

*sings song about stabbing self…stabs self*

Michael Moore's making the new Hobbit movie?

The hair and beard have naturally ascended to a higher plane of existence.

I'll admit it: my avatar doesn't represent who I really am. I've actually been doing just fine since this picture was taken.

I'm still here, El Guapo!