Swobovian Wabbit Flu


…and Gwyneth with a shard of Bolivian pottery, a jar of willow bark and a charming old clawfoot tub filled with Himalayan spring water.

The Muppets are fair game if they're working with Gwyneth Paltrow.

He's also the go-to guy for German-speaking hipsters (in a variety of media) looking to comment on how bourgeois everyone else is. Kind of a lazy metaphor, actually, for a movie of this caliber.

Emotionally Paralyzed
…the role Nicole Kidman was born to play!

I think this is generally the job of the fluffer.

Starring Wayne Brady

My niece is 2 1/2 and when she says "bridges," it actually sounds like "bitches." This has provided endless hours of mirth as I make her say "white bridges," "skinny bridges,"Lloyd Bridges," "where my bridges at," etc. Children can be entertaining when they're not yours.

It seems like there are too many words in "that shit is going to be devastating," considering the source and subject matter.

@Captain Pretentious: I'd have gone with Rabelais, said in the voice of Michael Palin playing Caesar.

"It's Lieutenant Hurwitz. Severe shell-shock. Thinks he's Ethel Merman."

I couldn't stop picturing the guy from the Memorex ads. Shame on me.

I always thought he'd stink in a very specific way.

5 sketches and a Pablo Cruise t-shirt.

Not to worry, soon Tosh.0 will start a segment called "Ads You Blocked and Missed" so everyone will get their money.

I live-trapped him and had him neutered. I was tired of all those feral MCs scatting in my yard (I know it's not their fault). It was really the only responsible thing to do.

Flattened pizza boxes and a masturbation towel probably just look like a tasteful area rug to the drunk passed out on them in a pool of his own urine.

You know I love you…always have.

Michelle Bachmann represents the spirit of her district perfectly. Which is why she tries never to be physically in it.

Well, I guess if anyone knows about questionable decisions made by an electorate…