Swobovian Wabbit Flu

Wow, did I need that laugh. *wipes eyes*

Double dummy!

Bring me a hammer!

@fastandsloppy: If that's what a cop/fighting coordinator's uniform looks like, I think this is going to be horrible in ways none of us could have imagined.

Once they declare the pope sovereign of Leon, God shall cease to curse them.

Dropping his soap?

Would Xenu even consider $1 million to be a worthy donation?

I don't think I like the idea of being shot in the hand…

Greatest boxer who ever lived!


@ONeal: Considering the source, my guess would be he's telling you to avoid seriously edgy, super-obscure underground metal.

Did Biz Markie ever rap?

Do you layer in the heroine before or after the ricotta cheese?


*turns toward camera…a single tear slides half-way down pale cheek…freezes there*

Mr. McGimmick gets a pass in my book for the chinchilla avatar. Chinchillas are wonderful, clean pets with a lot more personality than other small animals.

Wallet Inspector, your posts are like a warm fleece pullover in a sea of scratchy wool.

I've always found the beaded necklace to be an unnecessary element in scenes like this.

I thought Jesus was from Utah.