Not That Bald

That fact that half the cast seems to be podcast regulars kinda helps! But I've enjoyed all of them!

I Was There Too had Doug Benson talking about Captain EO, which was the 1st thing I though of when I heard the concept for the show, with the promise that he'd be back to talk about the many other movies that he was an extra on, (I did not know he was there for the mall scene in Commando).Plus Matt Gorley talks to his

Holy shit this is great!

Also L.A. Story.


But it didn't make a difference if they made it or not!

Tom Waits - Small Change. Thank you, good night!

I think Eric Cartman has a song about this!

I breathlessly await James Franco's documentary about the painting he did of James Franco watching James Franco's documentary on SNL!

And several paper bags. Maybe one for your head too!

The Hnineful 9?

One of Al Pacino's finest films!

After Midnight, we're gonna let it all hang out!

But he can lift 100 lbs right over his head!

What if you're not that bald?

Yeah, there's no reason to leave out The Thing! There's some non-question 'You're kidding me"s in there. That's the 1st one I thought of!

Just a big, never ending spiral in black crayon!

I don't think that's the proper nomenclature!

Ironically, the scanner, made in China! But seriously, how do you miss an EARPIECE?!

I love how tight the security is at the Russian compound! "Is he alone?" Well, he walked up to the gate alone, so I guess so! No need to look in the driveway at all!"