Not That Bald

The Allman Brothers - at least 30 times - all during the Warren Haynes/Derek Trucks era, and ll spectacular! Long live Gregg and Butch!

It really was great when they would talk about pop culture and it was clear pretty quick they had no idea what they were talking about, like trying to summon the name of an actor or a movie in the middle of their conversation.

Saw the preview over the week-end, and will watch tonight, but ESPN has GOT to get over the Jeffrey Maier incident!! Every chance they get to somehow work it in, they will, (like it HAS to be brought up in any summary of Derek Jeter's career). It wasn't like it was the last out of the game or anything. It's been 20

And the other 2 in the trilogy were worse, and I love Stephen King.

I was struck by how young the Giant was as well!

I believe he was scratching himself with the spatula that he used to flip the burgers! Good call, I thought of that too!

Interestingly, just for laughs yesterday I ws watching the season 2 premier and that scene! Man, does everyone look YOUNG!

I don't want her bringing me a burger though!

Perhaps the episode would have flowed better, if occasionally they would END THE SCENE ALREADY! This is the 1st time my patience was really tested by Lynch wanting to pad scenes to the point where I wanted to fast forward. Get the guy eating lunch out of the conference room already! Let's all stand outside watching

Or at least that the brain tumors were a result of saying the word "Kardashian" too many times

I could watch Marc Maron for hours as this character!

That was a hell of a Mad Men reunion there!

I thought it was going to be Harry at first. I'm sure we'll find out soon. Who thought that Ashley Judd's character would be expanded?

I heard the cut too. Make they had to do the edit so the phone rang at the end of the song. I was just mesmerized by the progress of the sweeping.

I know! I don't know when to go take a leak! I'm standing like Dougie over here!

Ashley Judd dropped quite a few as well!

That's OK. I came out (of my Mom!) in 1959 too, but I think of myself as a 60's baby! Also, didn't Machen Amick star in a horror movie based around Sleepwalk? Something to do with killer cats?

Got to see Queen, Bowie and Prince. Yeah, you would have wanted to see those guys!

There should be a pool to guess which random celebrities have cameos every week! Who had Jim Belushi and Candy Clark this week?

Dougie in the office