Not That Bald

As for Cheng, too bad Jack already played his 'throw the bitch out the window" card this season already!

Gets drunk with Ringo.


Thanks Max!

I find it apt that once again, Community will go farther than anyone thought possible, but still disappoint by just falling short at the end.

"Make one sound and I'll kill you!"
Did he make a sound when he hit the ground Jack?

I'm gonna need a hacksaw!

If that wasn't the best episode of 24 EVER, then it's on the short fucking list!

Hopefully, it will answer the question - What Hump?

I think they're going to have to re-sod that field though!


It's a floor wax, you cow!

It's really good! NOT!

It goes good with little chocolate doughnuts!

We're finally getting Mangled Baby Ducks ice cream! I'll pass on the 10,000 Widows and Orphans!

I can be around this thread, as long as I don't inhale.

That was great, but now that fucking song is gonna be in my head for the rest of the day! Thanks a fucking lot, guy who can't schedule a flight out of Vegas properly!

Is that the moral equivalent of throwing a gun at a guy when you've run out of bullets?

Oops, they went under a bridge! Now what do we do?

I did love how fast it went from "quick, blow up that hospital" to "quick, blow up that one car in the parking lot"! Also, what do they do with the drones when they're out of missiles? Just let them fly around til thew run out of gas?