Not That Bald

First, I want to say just 2 things:
Great to be here.
And also, wouldn't it be great if our rib cages were a 2nd articulating mandible jaw that we could vanquish our foes with?

Actually their intel couldn't have been too good if Solange could get through their perimeter! She's clearly the mole!

I actually thought that castle was going to end up being where some semi-obscure royal family member lived, and when they were all watching the feed, just before the bombing, the British Prime Minister would have said, "No, you idiots! That's where the Duke and Duchess of Westbury lives!" NOOOOOO!

Any chance they could have sent any of those drones over to the Kimye wedding?

Helen - "It's too bad. I like bald guys."
Locke - "I'm not bald."
Helen - "I can wait."

I'm right there with you (thank you Netflix) but I also find that there can never be enough gravy!

Vindshied Viper?


I LOVE that kid and his dog!

Does he take his ID card and hers and start making kissy noises with them? Josh-UA!

I can't wait until 4:00pm-5:00pm, when everybody breaks for tea for an hour!

Don't mention it!

Not that there's anything wrong with that!

I'm not bald at all. My friend is and this is my way of busting his balls.

He should have bought a Maury's wig! Chicks LOVE Maury's wigs! He can go swimming and everything! I'm not only a customer, I'm the president!

Hey! That's great bassblender!

The dining room table that they just got last week wasn't there this episode either. That corner of the apartment was the same jumble of stuff that was there.

He's gonna have to start training! He better down a lot of doughnuts!

I feel like I should weight in here, but I'm Not That Bald! I can also lift 100 lbs right over my head!

I hear this show is addictive, like, I don't know, some sort of drug or something!