
Is the Island done with Jacob?
Sorry if this went up in previous posts or even previous weeks. But since Hurley seems to communicate with those bonded to the island by moral debt, could that mean Jacob "did something" like Michael did something? Was the Island just done with him and now he's reduced to dispensing

Where the lines are going
I think the alternate reality is still in a way epilogue.

Maybe the bandages are from the drug needles?

I'm thinking the same thing …realistic, I just don't get the why the writers (via Widmore) couldn't refer to Desmond as "Wallace" and not "The Package". I have this personal rule where when characters say the title of the thing they're in, they should look knowingly at the camera.

Is alterna-Jin potent or did Sun get knocked up by that guy who taught her English?

I love Mikhail and I'm glad he was brought back in some capacity. He could be working at Hurley's Chicken Shack for all i care.

I'd just as soon you're a Ben Affleck fan.

I liked this one because it didn't seem to merely serve as an "Aw, Character X is rectifying the bad choice they made in the original timeline" narrative.

There's probably another Desmond on the crew, so they called him "The Package" to avoid confusion.

Everyone knows TV show amnesia is reversed with another hit to the head.

Forget_it_Jake, you bozo! Smokies don't work on water!

Some lazy writing
Sorry for not trawling pages 4, 5, and 6 in case this comment has been made ad nauseum, but didn't we already see the "Fight that results in someone accidentally hitting their head and DYING on impact" with Desmond and Kelvin? And then Desmond had to HURRY BACK somewhere? I really liked this

It's called a changeover. The movie goes on, and nobody in the audience has any idea.

Maybe when MiB got to the island, all that was left at the Island Clothing store was black since Jacob had bought all the white clothes because who wears black in Hawaii anyway?

I just rewatched that scene, i didn't hear anything like that. Although, Jacob's "Good morning" sounds like he could be saying "Hey, Marty".

I swear MiB said his name was Terry Galbraith and before this he worked in accounts.

Locke is pretty much out. Ditto Sayid. Kate wasn't on the list. Sawyer seems on his way.

Meanwhile back in the Alternate Snooz-niverse
So since in the Alta-world the Island is underwater (simbolism????!!!!111), does that mean Evil prevailed in that world/timeline?

Why is BJ Novak still listed as a main character
Has he been in the show for 5 total minutes this season?

Is it just me
Or is it impossible for Rob Corddry to be funny in something outside of Daily Show? He's given the bulk of the big comic moments in this trailer and he mis-delivers on all of them.