
Weren't Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton supposed to become the same guy in the Year 2000?

More like Inglorious Turds! (*pumps fist*)
I will never understand the praise for Inglorious Bastards. It's 2 and half hours of featured characters asking minor characters to tell the audience what they're supposed to think of them, rather than, you know, actually acting.

I should've said that Persona is somewhat like ASM, so it's not "unlike any movie I've ever seen". Plus that makes me sound smart and like I watched a movie that wasn't made by a Coen once.

A Serious Blunder
A Serious Man was the best movie of the decade and would be #1 for me, followed by No Country. Does that sound like I only watch Coen Brothers movies? Maybe.

Andy Bernard is the Real Michael Scott
I don't know if the Office writers are aware of how increasingly unlikeable Michael Scott gets. Ricky Gervais was a total jerk, but I still rooted for him to succeed and felt it when his jokes missed or his attempts to be validated fell on their ass/face. In Michael Scott's

The Bad Writing
Is it just me, or does every scene seem to be introduced with a reset, i.e. "mini-previously-on-Dexter". Like, every time Lundy talked to Dexter or Deb, he'd have to obliquely mention how he and Deb had a fling. Or Laguerta and Angel explicitly referencing themselves as a couple to start every scene

Perhaps too obvious?
My personal nod was always CCR, but I'm surprised no one suggested Velvet Underground. Is it because of Cale they're considered sort of British?

Perhaps too obvious?
My personal nod was always CCR, but I'm surprised no one suggested Velvet Underground. Is it because of Cale they're considered sort of British?

Perhaps too obvious?
My personal nod was always CCR, but I'm surprised no one suggested Velvet Underground. Is it because of Cale they're considered sort of British?

Thank God
It's been months since Will Arnett played the same character as always in yet another comedy film/tv show that won't be successful.

Unconcluding postscript
I actually think this is a great Bill Murray film. After this, he did What About Bob and Groundhog Day, which I attest is the greatest 3-Film run for a comedian ever.

sorry, i forgot googling something was beyond the limits of human patience.

A DFW article!

1) Crying of Lot 49
2) White Noise
3) Libra

If the plane lands in LA, none of this stuff ever NEEDS to happen. There's no need for Jack to "reset things" after the plane lands at LAX.

The "getting someone else to do it" as loophole seems overly simplified to me. This whole elaborate game over how many years is just to convince one man to kill Jacob? Blackie couldn't promise some idiot untold wealth for killing Jacob? He went down pretty easily, too. Seems like he could've gotten trigger-happy

Bourne Valedictorian FTW

If the White Backdrop/Black Lettering inversion was supposed to be pregnant with meaning, I would think "2010" means something, too.

Anyone else the "2010" flash on the screen may have been more than just the return date? While feeling simultaneous shame in looking for double-meaning in the most tangential things, I suspect 2010 means in Season 6 we're fast-forwarding another 3 years…and flashing back on the interim 3 years.

Sawyer overplayed it? You guys have just never lost your girlfriend to an electromagnetic maelstrom before.