
Your name's Jin, Jin. Your wife's name is Sun.

One of those annoying double-meaning sentences
When Blackie says "God I wish I could kill you" (or something to that effect), what if he's really saying "God I wish I could kill you myself". As in, this always ends with Jacob dying at the hands of a Ben and everything starting over.

I think when he was touching Jin and Sun, he was taking their ability to procreate together, thus straining their relationship, and putting them on course to board 815.

Rug peers did not do this

I wrote this on another thread, but I think Desmond is the "loophole". I think Faraday's "The rules don't apply to you" was more telling than we originally thought.

I just hope Mike Seaver comes in Season 6 to antagonize Principal Dewitt. Just when he thought he was retired…

Oh God. "Carpet pissers did not do this". I almost choked on my laughter.

I think Desmond was the loophole. "The rules don't apply" to him.

I think it'll just be even more reason.

I don't think the babies would die in utero from exposure. Sadako from Sadako in the 1000 Paper Cranes was in the womb during the Hiroshima blast and only died of leukemia when she was 10 or 12. I know this isn't exactly rock-solid science I'm using.

When are Dane Cook and Ryan Reynolds going to agree to become the same guy like Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton did In The Year 2000?

I hope Sawyer and Juliet DO get back to 1977
I want Sawyer to go back to Continental U.S. and return to being a con man. And then he finds himself about to con his own parents and he can either go through with it and set off the chain of events that lead to him going to the Island and returning with Juliet or leaving

To Rubix, I'm not sure the answer to that is in the Island itself. When Faraday said he could prevent the plane from ever crashing, I thought I saw a glimmer in Jack and Kate's eyes like "do we WANT to undo what's happened since the plane crash?"

We Want Our Film,
How does it bode for Daniel? As in, is he gone? He's most certainly dead. But I'm sure that won't stop Miles or Hurley from talking to him. I think the Widmore/Ellie/Faraday triad has concluded here. And now the Ben/Locke/Jack one is about to start.

I think Alpert is from the future and has a sense of how things are going to precede and is just making sure they do so…much like Eloise knew one day she'd have to send her genius son to his own death.

I never noticed that "God loved Jacob"—it's past tense. Did Jacob do something to piss God off? Maybe didn't return one of his shirts?

Jacob Discussion
I know some people aren't down with Jacob speculation, as that seems to be a surprise some are interested in protecting (whoa, just like the Others/non-Others schism!!!) But for us apostates, should we write it in code? like backwards or something? I have some theories on Jacob i'm positive aren't

I think Ben and Widmore are on the same "side" without realizing it. Watching the Locke episode this season, I was wondering whether Ben and Widmore were actually working together and possibly without realizing it. They both take credit for "keeping [John's] friends alive". They both claim to want John back on the

If Ben doesn't remember anything pre-whatever-he-and-alpert-do-in-the-Temple, then why does he remember the dolls Annie gave him as a birthday present?

Don't pull that shit with me Gringo. To call that a Graduate Ending is way more a stretch than to call it a Jerry Maguire ending. I don't mean it ends like Jerry Maguire, I just meant the #1 walking out w/ zero pride and one person believing in him.