
aside from Toby's airliner joke (A+ joke) an unfunny ep overall. Though I did enjoy Meredith calling out Pam's attention barking almost as much as I enjoyed Miner taking Jim down a gigantic peg last week. Michael being stripped of his climactic exit and the harrowing quiet of his absence would've been a great

I'm surprised people care so much about who two skeletons might be. But not who Henry Gale was. AN ACTUAL EFFING PERSON. Who are the skeletons?! Heavens, let it be a deep and rewarding mystery!

I realy hope they don't devote an episode just to show Rose and bernard are Adam and Eve. WHy is everyone obsessed with this? Where would the story line go from there? That'd be like devoting an episode to showing how the DI got Polar bears to turn the wheel. It's something we can extrapolate ourselves or if they

Since the Others were the one to bury Jughead…what's the connection to the DI building the Hatch RIGHT NEXT TO IT? Was it an accident? Did the Others trick them into it to keep them distracted with "pushing the button"?

did anyone get the significance of Creed's line re: carnations "that's not what they're for"?

Also, I had a weird dream last night that an Office episode was about why Michael/Steve Carrell wears a hair piece (he was crying, saying "they make me do this"), and they showed him without it and putting it on. They should make that an episode.

As opposed to last week
It was nice to have Michael and Dwight saying funny things IN CHARACTER. Michael being spineless and validation-desperate ("I want the credit, with none of the blame" and Dwight's smug sense of principle ("I wasn't allowed candy as a child…me watching a movie that fetishized it would make no

What'll Dwight say next?! Something he's not aware is hilarious?
I barely reacted to Dwight's penis joke, which might've been funny in another universe. The show has maxed out Dwight's comedy card with their "everything Dwight says is insane" policy. "I've trained myself to hide my veins?" What the the hell for?

*altitudes, i think i meant. that's what i get for trying to channel DD.

It looked like the next episode was gonna be Sayid getting "interrogated". With Sawyer having to preside over it. Whoa! It's like full circle and shit!

I think Walt being in the show would bother me more because he's such a shitty actor and refuses to take Judy Garland pills.

Pilgrim, Bill Gray—

I know. I don't know how producers expect us to feel vicariously conflicted (through Sawyer) about Kate and Juliet.

As Faraday said: everything that happens has happened. The Losties were supposed to show up in 74 all along, and not do anything that would change what happened up through '07 or '08, whatever present day is.

Proofreading is fundamental. I meant Locke and Alpert.

I'm surprised at the divided opinion over how awesome/terrible it would be if Rose and Bernard were Adam and Eve. Who cares about 2 stupid skeletons we saw for 5 seconds in Season 1. A lot of Season 1 stuff was throwaway IMO.

remember how silly Hawking's explanations to Jack sounded even to us diehards who had already been theorizing this stuff? I really hope i don't have to hear a Weekend at Bernie Locke's explanation on TV.

Oh, and does Charlotte-disappearing-because-her-three-year-old-self-is-on-the-island kill the Miles-as-Dr.-Marvin-Candle-Junior theory?

Didn't Ben have a "list" of people he wanted in season 2 that included Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley? is that because he remembered them appearing in the Dharma Days (and then disappearing)?

Yeah, the Islanders went through some pretty effed up shit. Apparently Noel finds flaming arrow slaughters and brain explosions rather pedestrian