
"Plato" was my favorite line of the season.

I think Charlotte disappearing at the last skip—to avoid a paradox by coexisting with her 3-year-old self—is the key to the in utero deaths.

I hope Rose and Bernard stay forgotten. Give them Adam and Eve between commercials and quickly move on.

like someone who only has walking trouble off the island?

here's a picture of the statue:

I swear that statue looked like either

Is there something i'm missing?
didn't Ben's mom die in childbirth? so how did she teach him to read? this is a joke going over my head like a satellite, isn't it?

I think Sawyer brought the rope with him (remember what Juliet says about objects on them coming for the ride) as he was clutching it, and this is how whomever built the well discovers the wheel. I'm not sure how i feel about a this time-loop predestination theory, but it seems to be cropping up elsewhere (Locke and

*induces, not deduces. right?

I think the rope we saw Sawyer holding was pre-Dharma, but maybe when Dharma is just getting out of the boat. What if the well was built by the DI, who only found it by virtue of the rope that Sawyer inadvertently brought with him to the DI Days? Remember, Juliet deduces they bring objects with them in their time