
I could understand the criticism of "Man is tired of his wife and lusts after the hot young sexpot" being trite if this was yet another case of a man frustrated by a woman he presumably loves or at least loved at one point enough to marry her. But that's not the case in LMoE. Phil married Carol out of (i dunno)

I know Jesse personally, and with that, his more odious qualities. While he can be a bit fastidious, I think many if not all of the negative comments in this thread are off-base. He is a genuinely nice and thoughtful and oftentimes stunningly generous guy that happens to be cursed with just a shade of a pretentious

I suppose if you're going to adapt a DD book, better to do one of his worse ones and hope to make something of it or at least nothing of consequence (which Cosmopolis is) than go on a suicide mission with an adaptation of Underworld, Mao II, or White Noise (all un-adaptable) or Libra (totally could be adapted and

Is Chris D'Elia's eyebrow permanently cocked or it just an involuntary response to still photos?

Look out, Shia!
This movie doesn't sound like it has a lot of Things for Shia to Jump out of the Way of. I hope this doesn't drive his core fans away.

Join the cult
I've read Infinite Jest 4 times and each reading gave me a fresh perspective. It's the best, most important American novel ever written. I whole-heartedly and whole-cockedly recommend to anyone/everyone.

Wake me up when Shia Leboof has been cast as Robin.

Oh boy
Every time Shitty Guy Who Never Says Anything Funny comes on screen, i think, "man, why don't they give Shitty Guy Who Never Says Anything Funny" more stuff to do? Here's a guy who's really carved his niche as "awkward guy". Before him, none of the Office's 25 quirky characters were doing the "awkward" thing.

I wasted 5 years
I was just about to write "That was officially the biggest waste of time of my life. To think of all the time I—"

Thank you, E, for taking the time for a thoughtful reply, and this time I sincerely mean it. I only just now noticed that in my first post, I didn't write "Objectivist/Nitzschean" as I thought i did, but only "Objectivist", so i realize how people thought i was an idiot presuming one person wrote both of those

Okay, Eee E. I'm simply no match for you and the Professor's "you're wrong" argument. As you are clearly a very busy person, I'm grateful for your taking the time to condescend to me. In this high-speed fiber optic world of today, I understand no one has to time for discussion, only drive-by mockery as they lol

Hey, thanks Professor Philosopher. Speaking of superficial: Nietzsche repudiated metaphysics. Whoops. Since you probably tossed "epistemic" as lazily as you tossed "metaphysical", it doesn't seem worthwhile to quibble over that one either.

Yes, I did, actually. The last sentence was a joke. But if you want to start a philosophical debate with the notion Nietzsche and Rand have no intersection just because they wouldn't have found each other cool, it will be a short one. Rand had an early admiration for Nietzsche but only rejected him later because of

IT's probably unintentional
But is anyone else bothered by the Objectivist subtext of Lost? Jacob basically brings many to their own death so that one can triumph. Was Thus Sprach Zarathustra all he had to read on the Island?

Why bring people to the island at all?
If people are the only way Adam (i hate calling him Smokey) can kill Jacob and get off the island? Looking back, it's even weirder Adam seemed nonplussed every time people arrived at the island. As we saw in Across the Sea, he was the only one interested in working alongside

Yeah, and what did the OG Others call Smokey? Guy Who Showed Up 30 Years Ago? He Whom We Have Not Gotten Around to Giving at Least a Nickname? Beatrix? The "not naming him thing" is kind of pretentious and annoying. Like when an art piece is called "untitled".

Since it's fun to speculate on where these people were coming from (even though it'll likely never be revealed nor matter).

There's an argument throughout this thread that Brother is nothing more than a corporeal vessel for Smokey— much as Locke is now— and that the connection ends there. What we see now is purely Smoke Monster, with no Locke or (previously, Brother) present in any emotional way, because it would be "illogical" if that

Oh yeah, whoops. "Desmond has inherited the *Jacob* mantle", I meant. I need to refill my brain medicine.

Sigh. i have no idea why that triple posted. Sorry.