
12. 12 sided sex pit.

Aw, are they that forgotten now? One of the best E6 bands, along with Elf Power. They relocated to Portland right quick, and are still around these parts. Y'all would probably know Rebecca Cole from her work in Wild Flag. Their first album "Cul-de-sacs and Dead Ends" is a pretty fantastic collection of singles. Saw

What, someone didn't dig up the Krofft's erotic marionette show Les Poupées de Paris?

The genius of this is that Motörhead's licensing fee is a single fifth of bottom shelf booze.

What I find interesting is that the Best Show came in number 1 in all the lists it appeared in. You love it or hate it.

What I find interesting is that the Best Show came in number 1 in all the lists it appeared in. You love it or hate it.

You know when alcoholics talk about reaching The Bottom?

You know when alcoholics talk about reaching The Bottom?

Maybe he wanted it to be good?

Maybe he wanted it to be good?

Now, come on… don't sell Oklahoma short. You still got noodlin'. And tornados.

Now, come on… don't sell Oklahoma short. You still got noodlin'. And tornados.


Yeah, Keith, you may want to note that in the article. I was getting all excited about a prominent MST3k I hadn't seen, only to be fooled by the old multiple title trick.

I have no idea why a car company sent me this link last week, but if this is the future of spam, sign me up!

Was anyone else bothered by the way the Doctor banished the cheap looking snake thingy?  Out of nowhere, he claims that Evil cannot look upon itself… thus the mirrors.  My reaction was:  says who?  Why can't evil look upon itself?  But then I tried to erase it from my mind and concentrate on the cheap effects.

The scariest scene for me doesn't come from a horror film, but the crazy sci fi show Space:1999.

So, you get banned from his forum for berating his guest, and in return you want the guy to lose his house?  You need help.

Ah yes, the human garbage are out representing!

Minimum waaaaaaaaage!  *whipcrack*