Not only do we not remember their hair color, but I apparently can't even remember their fucking names. Yay me!
Not only do we not remember their hair color, but I apparently can't even remember their fucking names. Yay me!
There really wasn't a clear explanation, but I think his parents being completely distant and disinterested in him was probably at least a motivating factor. I also think he's one of the billions of people out there who thinks he's a much better person than he actually is, and it was interesting to watch the…
I thought Juliet was blonde (and is a brunette in the show) Alice is a brunette/black hair (and is blonde in the show). But I could be misremembering.
He slowly (but surely) becomes less douchey over the course of the books, especially in the third. I loved all the terribly flawed characters in the books, and I love that they almost all have interesting and believable arcs as well. Great series. I'm guessing the show isn't going to handle the characterizations as…
If one is good, two is better (and five is besterest!).
If the only part of the punishment that actually conveys meaning are the words, maybe you should just stick with the words. And just because you think that you required being hit in order to behave properly, doesn't mean the same thing should apply to your kids (or anyone else's).
Wow, that was a close one. I nearly killed myself after your comment, but managed to climb back from the edge. Jesus christ, dude. Good thing you don't immediately leap to complete hyperbole when someone challenges something you've said. I'd rethink that whole "urging strangers to commit suicide" tactic if I were you,…
So, you're saying that your nephew would have learned that information more quickly if you accompanied your talk with a few slaps? Because you're not describing stupidity, you're describing ignorance. As adults, it's our job to teach kids things they don't know (because, how else will they know them?). A dog can't…
I disagree with the whole notion that hitting a kid breeds fear of repercussions. I don't think kids are that stupid. I don't think they're going to avoid future wrongdoing because they remember being spanked as a child. I think it may make them scared of you, and scared of doing additional things to piss you off, but…
I actually dig quite a few tracks on that album. It wears it's politics on its sleeve, but I tend to agree with them, so that wasn't a problem for me.
When I was getting my vasectomy done and I smelled that burning smell, I said "smells like someone's having a Ball-B-Q up in here." The doctor cracked up and I like to think he still uses that joke at parties sometimes.
I loved Book of the New Sun, but wasn't as engaged by Lord of Light. It's still sitting on my nightstand about half-finished. Instead, I picked up the Book of Amber (another Zelazny series) and am really loving it. I've read the first four books so far, and took a break to read a few other things (see below).
I've re-read those books twice now, which is very rare for me. LOVE THEM so much. I can't wait until my kids (6 and 8 now) are ready to read it.
You should definitely check it out. A great story, and a really cool story structure. Lots of fun.
I just finished the first five volumes of The Swamp Thing from the newest run. Really fun and gripping stuff - almost as good as Alan Moore's take on the character. I'm also reading the World of Ice and Fire companion volume thing. Surprisingly interesting, and gives a few tidbits here and there that really flesh out…
I'm a huge Pinback fan. Saw them in a tiny place (Little Brothers in Columbus) about a dozen years ago. Great band, great show and Blue Screen Life is one of my favorite albums from last decade.
Val Kilmer is probably my favorite actor. I can't think of a movie that he hasn't at least been interesting in, and he's usually amazing. That being said, he sounds like a complete and delusional tool as a person and I really want to see this movie.
The only show that blended comedy and character to the same extent, in my opinion, was the long-extinct Northern Exposure. It was a little more about the characters and a little less about the comedy.
Agreed. I think it's the superior album. Tells a story as a whole, and still has some standout singles.
He's an American citizen now. He got his citizenship last year.