The Norse God of Relaxing Week

I love Jack Black! He's a spastic freak, but a lovable one. I still bust out my Tenacious D collection every once in a long while - some of those skits were incredible.

I really liked the first two episodes, but really didn't like this third one. If I hadn't read the books, maybe I would have tolerated it. I hope I'm wrong in the long term, but I feel like they are leaving out or seriously altering so much of what I loved about the books. I don't want them talking about niffins

I'm going to say something crazy here, but I think Dreamworks is doing the best computer animation out there right now. I think Pixar is telling better stories, but Kung Fu Panda 2 and How to Train Your Dragon 2 (and Madagascar 3, to a slightly lesser extent) are just drop dead gorgeous in a way that Pixar hasn't

The two-stringed bass is actually a thing.

The Box Trolls is worth checking out. Probably their weakest movie so far, but still pretty enjoyable.

Me too! This looks cool as shit!

But what does his crotch have to say about it? (odd mic placement in that photo up there)

That song was my entire brain for about a week straight. Might be one of the greatest ear worms ever created.

Both of my kids (7 & 9) love the shit outta that show. I've watched more than a few episodes, and it makes me LOL pretty much every time.

I agree as well. It was the first time I've laughed out loud at the show all season. My favorite line was Phil's delivery of "When did you get so old! I love you!"

I guess we all have our opinions, but what you interpreted as "lifeless", I thought was fitting for a character whose motivations and worldview are completely foreign to human understanding. Maybe I'm giving her too much credit, but I thought the detachment and one-dimensionality were intentional and fitting.

She does do a great job, but I really think the whole cast was fantastic and the English adaptation is great as well (Neil Gaiman wrote the English script). I think Billy Bob Thornton was great, and Billy Crudup, Claire Danes and Gillian Anderson all stood out too.

This is one of my top 10 movies. I love the design, the characters, the story arc and the moral ambiguity. It simultaneously makes me revel in the action and violence while making me question why I'm reveling in the action and violence. It shows us both who we are and who we can be. It's beautifully written and

Agree 100%. I've read them four or five times now. Every time I read the series, I get completely emotionally sucked back in to the story and the characters, and I also manage to find something new.

Not with the newest issue that's currently out!

It all reeks of teams and tribalism to me. I'm right, you're wrong. My friends and I are the only ones with the secret handshake and rulebook that gets you a ticket to eternally happy cloud town. I really think it's that simple in a lot of cases - people just like to feel superior and special. This ignorant, false,

I'm a little surprised at his decision, only because I thought the rights to his own properties would be the easiest to obtain. I loved the book, and think it's perfect for a Steven Spielberg movie adaptation, but I can't even begin to imagine the nightmare of securing the rights to the hundreds of different movies,

But now you know that you can repeat the whole shampooing process a second time for even better results!

I am intrigued by your Choice of capitalizing Words. Please tell me More. (I'm guessing you're German or something where they always capitalize nouns, and now I'm just a dick).

The Brothers of Chico Dusty is actually my favorite mashup to date. I played that album at my weekly poker game for a few months without complaint (lots of diverse tastes and demographics among the people at the game).