The Norse God of Relaxing Week

I like to think that's partly why he decided it was OK to step down. That he's left us all in capable hands with Oliver and Wilmore. Still sad, though. He's possibly been the most influential media force for progressive change in the last few decades.

Axl Rose may be a lunatic, but I don't think he'd wait 15 years and to release an album he'd recorded many times over already if it was all about the money.

I've honestly probably listened to it more than any other album from last year. Not a bad song on it, and it doesn't appear to get old after many repeated listens.

I honestly can't comprehend what "hygiene issues" would arise from having an "unwashed" hairbrush on the same table as a bowl of food.

Don't understand all the Epic hate. I thought that movie was pleasant enough.

I don't generally give a shit about celebrity gossip, but I'm pretty sure there has to be some bad blood between Van Holt and some of the other cast members. I can't conceive of any other reason as to why he didn't interact with the other cast members in the hospital room (there's no way Bobby Cobb would choose to


I re-watched it with my 6 and 8 year old a year or so ago, and it was great. Very funny (often in an adult way) and beautifully drawn and animated. They art direction was really cool as well. Worth seeing again, for sure!

He didn't say it was weird looking, he said it was dumb looking. Which was even better.

Damn! But this is science we're doing here, people, and this is all important data.

The not being high thing really throws off my calculus. It's a toss-up as to whether or not you were really into the movie. I'm going to go with yes, you loved it.

Then I'm going to guess that, at least at one point in your life, you really liked the movie.

Then I'm going to guess you don't really care about the movie.

1) How old are you now?
2) How old were you when you first watched it?
3) Were you high?

Further digging into my own topic (commentbation, maybe?), and it's even more complicated than that. The above applies to books published after 1978, but before that it's basically 95 years from the date of publication. Princess of Mars is already public domain (by that definition), but some of the other Barsoom books

Just used wikipedia to answer my own question. It's the life of the author + 70 years here in the US. Burroughs died in 1950, so they're trying to make another movie before 2020 when the rights go public.

Apparently I don't really understand copyright law, but shouldn't these books have reverted to the public domain by now?

Little Earthquakes was the first album of hers I listened to and loved, but Under the Pink took it to a new level. I saw her on tour twice in support of the album, and Yes, Anastasia remains my favorite of her songs. I was dating a girl at the time who was obsessed with her (freshman year of college, I think it was

Agreed - many, if not most, of my favorite albums of the past few years are from women. Neko Case, Patty Griffin, The Civil Wars, Shovels & Rope, St. Vincent, Lake Street Dive, Heartless Bastards, etc.

Vince Van Patten co-hosts the World Poker Tour. Mystery partially solved.