The Norse God of Relaxing Week

Mise en place, Binky. Mise en place.

Get behind me "Stan."

@avclub-95e2374e4c9f5f49f0e03fac57fb95d3:disqus - Exactly. And Blunderbuss doesn't really sound like either (although, it does sound a lot like a White Stripes album).

He would have starred in it, and it would have been amazing.

I wasn't aware of the Oscar situation, but I do thoroughly enjoy that terrible Tarzan movie, and its music. My kids are big fans, so maybe it's that I'm watching it through their eyes or something.

Who isn't attracted to her?

That whole show was absolutely brilliant and hilarious. Extremely subversive stuff for a sitcom.

It sounded like she said her name was Alyssa or something like that, not at all Jeyne. This was a great episode, but the most removed from the books so far, I think. Which can make for confusing viewing.

Penis-Winds. Awesome.

I think that's a pretty easy one - Harry's story is the classic hero myth. Just like Star Wars, we're all predisposed to be drawn to stories like these. The stakes are impossibly high, our hero is in constant peril, and he is the "chosen one." Of course it's going to resonate with audiences of all ages. The reason it

Trayvon Martin Death Train - horrible band name or new roller coaster at Klan-sponsored theme park?

I could be misremembering, but I don't think that happens this season. I think that's next season.

Silvia, or Plastic Jungle.

Not sure if this performance would change your mind, but it made me want to check them out live (and made me completely reassess this song, now it's probably my favorite on Plastic Beach):

I saw the Roots on their Phrenology tour a few years back, and it was a great show. Even after Black Thought left the stage because he was fighting a sore throat and the crowd wouldn't stop smoking (after he asked them to about 10 times). The rest of the band just played some old-school hip hop medley for the rest of

At least he didn't do this:

@avclub-bdfda13d60b47dc09dcc13bd57265333:disqus - same here. I was always a pretty sentimental guy, but fatherhood put it over the top for me. I watched Children of Men when my oldest was about one or so, and I was an absolute mess for most of the movie. One of the most intense movie-watching experiences of my life.

I think things like "speed habits" are pretty much required if you're going to participate in Queens of the Stone Age.

Good. I think he needs one.

I disagree. It's not great to read about Pushing Daisies. I generally don't care about such things, but somehow I'm still bitter about that cancellation years later. That show had the potential to be great for another five seasons, at least.