The Norse God of Relaxing Week

I actually kind of like Depp's costume. I think it's kind of cool.

I don't think this is the link you're talking about, but here's an article where Moore says he withdrew from the project because Albarn failed to contribute something to another piece Moore was working on.

Cookie, I agree. The only actor with a tolerable performance in the prequels is Ewan McGregor. He only pulls it off because he's projecting how ridiculous the dialogue is the whole time he's speaking it.

And then some.

*Hands over 23 Dawesers and hangs head in shame.*

I love Florence + the Machine, but I have yet to see them put on a good live performance (on ACL, SNL or videos I've viewed online). I think it has a lot to do with the vocal multi-tracking she does in the studio. She needs some back-up singers to recreate that depth of sound that's missing when it's just her singing

Why wouldn't they be excited? They've been refraining from excitement for most of this process, and they're finally allowing themselves to go there when it seems like it's actually going to happen.

I don't think that's generally a great idea either - you have to be a pretty reasonable person to be a good partner, and not expect your partner to make you into one. But I think Jasmine is a pretty reasonable person with some flaws. Hers just happen to be the polar opposite of Crosby's flaws. This can cause friction,

I do that shit all the time to rally the troops. When things are getting hairy, my wife or I will inevitably say "Who are we?"

Wrong! It's misdirection! She's getting her damned baby boy, or Joel is going to pretty sad. And what kind of inhuman monster can make Joel sad and then continue to live with themselves? I think we can all agree that that is simply not possible.

I really enjoyed the episode. And yes, Jasmine can be a pain, absolutely. Crosby can also be an immature baby, but we grant him the possibility of change. I think we can give Jasmine that potential as well. Also, they do have a great little family, and I can't help but hope they make it work.

The whole album is pretty great, IMO. Sleeping Lessons is one of my favorite opening tracks of any album.

I'm glad they brought Packer back, but they didn't really do a damn thing with him.

For your two examples of the documentary crew being an active force, there are at least five times as many where we're supposed to forget they exist.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus - it would make absolute sense from an artistic standpoint, but zero sense from a business standpoint. If they can squeeze a few more dollars out of an additional season, by god they're going to do it.

We here in Asgaard have decided she's a beetle, and we're sticking to it.

As a human being, I commend his decision to put his daughter above his campaign. I'm not totally sure that makes him a good president, though.

Agreed, and it was actually pretty unfair to the less physically fit members of the group. The ladies had a distinct disadvantage when it came to the ice pick challenge, and Sarah had a disadvantage when it came to skiing.

Yes, go Paul.

Me too. Tom should have just said no.