The Norse God of Relaxing Week

It does happen all the time in the real world. When deciding who is most worthy of their vote, the public almost always goes with the intern-fucker.

I fear the universe where Newt Gingrich is too small.

But she did try to call her, I'm guessing to warn her that Kristina was on her way. But Amber was far too busy making anime bedroom eyes at weird-ear guy to bother answering.

I disregard both of their opinions, as they're obviously so drugged up by sexy sex hormones that they think this whole thing makes sense. Sarah was struck by the comment he made months ago about wanting to have a baby with her, and now they're in some kind of a baby-fueled positive feedback loop or they're playing a

I propose a wager. I'll bet you 23 Dawesers that the Js get to keep the baby, with Zoe disappearing after giving birth.

I was responding to @avclub-fe6812cecbf6102396ae30757e3eaca2:disqus's  surprise that Julia didn't know Zoe was diplomaless.

I'm not sure why the diploma issue would have come up. It's not something that generally gets covered in day to day conversation.

Sure, two consenting adults can legally bang each other if they want, but should they in this situation? They may be legally adults, but they're acting like immature children. Somebody needed to be the adult, and Kristina stepped up.

I think Drew is the Braverman of the Week, simply because he's the only one who sees how insane it is that Sarah and Little Ritter are making a baby. You know, it's the next logical step in their relationship. Not living together or getting engaged or anything. Just making the single largest, (guaranteed lifetime)

I think you're right, but it doesn't mean that the show isn't accurate for a whole lot of families. It wasn't completely accurate for me, but there were characters who had an eerie similarity to members of my family (Frank was my late grandpa, Marie was my mom).

I haven't listened enough to rate it against their previous efforts, but I love it. And I think there are four or five songs off each of their albums that are massive radio hits in a parallel universe. This album is no exception.

Personally, I think the whole album is great.

I didn't even bother trying to explain it to my wife. When asked why I was so excited, I just said "they have awesome hipster douchebag hair!"

What do you mean, he's not creepy? The dude is campaigning to be the mayor of Creepsville. Amber is LITRALLY just out of high school, and he's trying to fill her up with babies, and he's her new boss, and her aunt is his campaign manager. Keep it in your pantaloons, weird-ear guy.

Remember, this is on NBC. I think the avclub might have stronger viewership.

@avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus  I agree about Whiskey - such an incredible album. Sunrise is one of my absolutely favorite songs of all time, but the whole album is packed with gems.

Except that it's better, in that it doesn't have Greg Dulli singing.

I agree, it's a great album. It's been available for streaming for a week or so, and I've listened at least a dozen times. I love it, and I think the production fits really well with his voice. I love the combination of his gravely, smoky vocals with the more polished, digital production on a lot of the tracks.

It's 'cause it's so good that they don't have anything critical to say, and they didn't want to get all Dawesish all over the place.

Gravy Brain
Queef Curtains
Buffalo Shelbyville
Sleep Unicycle
Abercrombie & Bitch