The Norse God of Relaxing Week

The reality of their situation is a bit incongruous considering how unrealistic most of the show is, but I think their character arc is pretty spot-on for tons of people in this country, and a bunch of people I know.

Fer real, dog.

Me, gnu!

Personally, I love that he kills off characters that I've fallen in love with, ruins their lives, tortures them, etc. It's so refreshing in this kind of genre fiction to really feel like the stakes are so high that no one is safe. Reading the books is like walking a tightrope - there's true danger involved. My only

How so?

"And for cooking the best dish of the night you win…

I totally hear what you're saying, but this is the future in a world of DVRs. We have created this. I'll watch poor product placement within a show over 14 minutes of shit commercials any damned day of the week.

Iss Top Cheff, not Top Scallope!

Ditto. Next week we'll learn she drives a Subaru, wears Birks and has two rescue dogs that are "basically her kids." 

Same here. Fucking editors throwing us a curve ball again.

I really enjoyed Ms. Theron on this episode. I've always been pretty indifferent to her as an actress - she's been good enough in the movies I've seen her in, but she's never really blown me away.

I'm in a similar boat, although "indie rock" maybe makes up maybe only half of the stuff I listen to, at most. I have zero interest in those distinctions any more. I fully confess to giving a shit about what music had "cred" in my youth, but I no longer care beyond whether or not I enjoy it. I enjoy the Black Keys. I

And Florence and Coldplay. Probably the first time in a decade or more that I own and enjoy four albums in Billboard's top 10 (when you include Adele).

Yes! A giant bowl of baby carrots and a jar of strawberry jam. What a well-rounded meal you've put together, young Maxwell.

I thought they were going to walk in on HER having sex with some Viagra-infused octogenarian. That would have been awesome.

Speaking of Zeke's mom, anyone else notice that she was played by Mrs. Esther Clavin? Awesome that she's still alive and a perfect casting choice for the hyper-critical elderly mother.

Absolutely, the Drew/Sarah conversation should never have happened, and I think that was the point. Sarah's solution to every problem is to "talk it through," but there's no talking through that problem and I think she eventually realized that. I thought it was very much in-character for her to try to fix it, and I'm

I think she completely followed through for as long as it took to get the point across - that it's not OK to call your mom a bitch. Punishment is there to teach a lesson, not simply hurt someone who did something wrong. The lesson was learned, so it was fine to end the punishment. Hell, even prisons let you out early

I especially noticed it on the that "what's on tonight" thing. I think Dusty should grow the beard as an experiment just to see if time travel will eventually happen.

I like him as a person, too. I just really don't like his artwork, or any artwork that falls under the umbrella of being purely conceptual. I want my artwork to be beautiful, dammit. Sure, it should have some substance and some underlying meaning, but first and foremost it should be nice to look at and something that