The Norse God of Relaxing Week

I'm happy to see Lola go as well. I didn't like her as a person or an artist.

I'd go with VALIS, The Divine Invasion and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer by Philip K. Dick. The man was contacted by a pink laser beam from outer space after getting bad dental surgery, received information from the beam that turned out to be true on a few occasions, and saw modern America as ancient Rome. All

No, I did not notice. I think that's all in your head and you need to take a long look at yourself. Maybe consider therapy. We're all concerned.

You're racist against angels!

I'd like to cannon my balls at her, ifyouknowhatimsayin.

What happened when I was napping that turned the Internet into the cool kids?

Yes, it's great (my avatar verifies my fanhood). Goofy-funny AND smart-funny. The peanut butter and chocolate of funnies.

I had a roommate once who seldom spoke and was very industrious, but he was large and had long hair. I had another roommate who was small and balding, but was screamy and bombastic. They were gnomish in their own ways, but not enough to cross the line to become "gnome-like".

I think it's a wooden knife handle, not a hot dog.

I think both of those pieces (Prop 8 and the flag) are easy sells to specific markets.  I'm not an art dealer or anything, so I don't really have a clue about such things, but they seem like they'd speak to their respective demographics in a meaningful, but non-confrontational manner.

I disagree. I think Young's work is ridiculously "marketable," I just think it's boring. I like him well enough, but I feel like I've seen every one of his pieces before, even though I know I haven't. 

I agree. I was digging it. I think she should have done something related to her car crash, but her windowlicker was by far the best idea of the three she worked on.

She's also really good at making me want to have sex with her and then hate myself for wanting to have sex with her, because I hate her.

I struggled to get any goat representatives to show, and when one finally did, he nonchalantly ate the award (an old tin can) while staring through my soul.

Creepy, or awesome? Goats have recently been awarded the "Animal that Gives the Fewest Fucks" award by me, so I may be a bit biased.

Thank you.  Someone's on my wavelength here.  I was disappointed in this episode because, as funny as the Sydney storyline was, it was totally unrealistic compared to how she's been portrayed up to this point and how quickly she got over her issues.

I think she just wanted Sarah to know just how busy she was, goshdarnit.  And she doesn't have the time to play policewoman to Drew's jailed convict!

She's out there, THEY'RE out there.  Everything's out there for the whole world to see.

Still probably my favorite TV show ever.  I own most of the seasons on DVD, and they just aren't the same (partially due to the missing music, but mostly due to me being a different person). I don't watch the DVDs or old episodes any more, I prefer to keep let it stay this perfect thing in my head and not let myself

Agreed.  Also, she DOES have someone in her life to tell her these things.  It's called the worst Obstetrician in the world, apparently. Or are OB's in the Bay area all "just don't hold the weed in your lungs for longer than two seconds and the baby will be FINE, man…"