The Norse God of Relaxing Week

So then you're laying on your back in the shower?  I'm not sure that's as efficient as you think it is.

I feel like my identity has been raped by a giant, spiked demon phallus.  I'm not sure that life is worth living any more.  Norse God of Relaxing WeekENDS, dammit. Bah, what's the point of it all?

Felt it in SW Ohio, too.

I see that you, too, are suffering from Shortened Name Syndrome.  We can fight this injustice together, my friend!

The director's name is Damien!  He was the demon all along!


Yeah, not this week buddy.  I'm firing a long time employee in about three hours.  Not a thing relaxing about it.

Even stranger, it's not my most current avatar.  It should be Mr. Leonard Powers (which it seemed to be earlier this morning).

WTF?  My name got shortened!  WeekENDS, dammit! WeekENDS!!!!!

Stoppit.  You guys are totes making me hungry!

Jerkassimo - I liked the Gutter Twins, but Greg Dulli's voice keeps me from loving them. The funny thing is, I really like his songwriting. Every once in awhile his voice (with enough backing vocals behind it) works perfectly for the song, and all is well with the world. But usually, he just sounds like a drunk

Talking about the actual album… <br>I'm enjoying it. It's not Sweet Oblivion (which, I know, is the most commercial of their output, but also my favorite), but it's good. Their sound seems to have aged better than a lot of the other grunge era bands, maybe because they already sounded like they were from an even

Talking about the actual album…
I'm enjoying it. It's not Sweet Oblivion (which, I know, is the most commercial of their output, but also my favorite), but it's good. Their sound seems to have aged better than a lot of the other grunge era bands, maybe because they already sounded like they were from an even earlier

I am a fan of pretty much all the shows listed so far, and would actually add Workaholics to that list as well. It's borderline retarded, but damn if I don't laugh my ass off every time I watch it.

I, too, agree with Mr. Morrison's comments about the power of nerd culture. I think he's pretty spot on. I have no use for supposed "fans" of something who only ever criticize. What is the point in intentionally finding fault in something as a means of gaining some kind of internet social status? I think that's the

Mrs God - they already are facing that horrible marketing nightmare with Rapunzel from Tangled. I'm sure they'll be able to come up with something, so no need to worry too much about it. We're all going to be OK - you, me, mush-brained six year olds AND Disney's marketing department. The sun will rise again on

I'm sure I've said this on just about every Dave-related thread or article, but I live in the same small town as Mr. Chappelle. I see him downtown on a fairly frequent basis, and his wife is pretty active with the local schools (they have two school-aged sons). He seems happy and content with his life as it is, and

Where does one buy a body bag, anyway? Seems like the type of place the cops might want to keep an eye on…

I thought a raven would come and inform Cersei of Jaime's capture and that Ned would be freed in exchange for Jaime's freedom.

Just to be clear, I personally don't think this is a matter for the law. It should absolutely be up to the parents. I just hope that fewer and fewer people will do it as more information is spread and old habits die out.