The Norse God of Relaxing Week

Do some googling and then come back and continue this conversation. Kids DIE from botched circumcisions - they can and do bleed to death. Sure, it's not common, but it does happen. You still going to put your hypothetical son through that shit knowing what could possibly happen?

There are plenty of people who were circumcised and now their dicks don't work. As with every surgical operation, there is a failure rate. Used to be, those guys were turned into girls.

Blooptaabi - you're right, no more or less disgusting. But it IS more surprising when it comes from a performer rather than a truck driver.

It had never occurred to me that a Bigfoot could have invented Mormonism, but that makes so much sense that I feel stupid that I never realized it before.

Yes, very disappointing. I hate when cool shit gets tainted by one performer's idiocy. It took me a couple of years before I could watch (and enjoy) Seinfeld without thinking about Michael Richards' extra-curricular prejudices.

If you think Kraken is Mieville doing Gaiman, beware of King Rat.

I've read Watchmen four or five times now. I find new things with every read.

They are independent of each other, but I do think it helps to read PSS first, if only for the introduction to New Crobuzon as the setting.


They can still make noises through the tape.

Well, there are implied and understood characteristics conveyed by certain species that can enhance or support the story being told while deepening your understanding of the human condition. For one.

I haven't seen the movie, but I enjoyed the first one so much that I can't believe they could have fucked up the sequel as much as is described here.

Speaking of SW Ohio funk, Zapp and Roger are also from Dayton.

What the shit are you talking about? These guys (and gal) are amazing. They aren't untalented idiots abusing technology to pretend they're talented, they are artistic pioneers and innovators using a much-maligned technology in new ways to create awesome shit.

Y'all know what I'm doing this weekend.

The Dark Half
Does Random Acts Of Violence remind anyone else of The Machine from Stephen King's Dark Half? Fictional serial killer comes to life and starts killing people for real. If this other guy uses a straight razor to do his dirty work, I think some dudes are gonna get sued.

He's great on HSP, better than Gabe in my opinion. Funnier, anyway. I always liked Gabe, but I don't consider him that amazing of an analyst. Mike Sexton still holds that mantle for me.

I have really been enjoying this show as well, but tonight was the weakest episode so far.

That's good to hear. I may check it out then. The first album only inspired drowsiness in me.