The Norse God of Relaxing Week

Hey, can I have some of your Funions?

I call racist!

Ritual is my favorite, but I love them all (well, not so much Strays).

I, too, would watch the Dennis Duffy Show.

I still disagree, on a personal and inter-personal level, in the idea that we need to be teaching our peers lessons. If someone is genuinely apologetic for a mistake that they made and you love them, you forgive them. Max is doing fine - great, actually - so any fears that the removal of Minka Kelly would result in

Tausif Khan - Adam is Crosby's brother, not his dad. It's not his responsibility to make sure he learned something from this situation. Crosby's already learned it, anyway, by losing his fiance and his future family.

Superunknown was my favorite album of all time the first year after it was released. I think I listened to it on a near-daily basis. It remained my favorite SG album up until probably about 4 or 5 years ago. I think DOTU surpassed it because it still sounds newer to my ears that Superunknown did, and also because

I agree about the earlier stuff. They were my favorite band for a year or three way back when, and I never really got the love for the pre-Badmotorfinger stuff. It's kinda fun, I guess, but I need more than one or two songs on each album that make me want to hear them again.

I like Billy's suggestion of catching up with Triana, but only if it involves a visit from Orpheus.

Rihanna's not that hot? There are many debatable aspects of this story, but Rihanna's hotness is not one of them.

I, too, think it's their best album. I love their last three without reservation, but I really enjoy the songwriting on DOTU. My favorite SG songs are pretty evenly distributed across Badmotorfinger, Superunknown and DOTU, but I enjoy DOTU the most as a whole.

I found it all on my own:

Can we have ourselves a link, Dr. Robuttnik?

My wife was a Glee fan and I watched and enjoyed a few episodes. Something happened, though, that made me unable to watch the show. It's like a light bulb went off in my head during the Rocky Horror episode and I realized just how utterly terrible it was. My wife has now come to the same realization.


They've been teasing that bikini for two weeks running now (not that I've minded).

This Norse God is currently biding his time until the weekend so he can get some well-deserved relaxation.

And Ben Kingsley.

Wizard and Glass is by far my favorite, but you could almost argue that it's barely a Dark Tower book at all, and kind of a stand-alone story in its own world.

So now you're actually a professional audience member.