The Norse God of Relaxing Week

Jesus, Jorge. Why would you do that to me?

My four year old loves the Polar Express. I think the movie did wonderfully with its target market.

Kilmer is always balls out brilliant!

Thirded. One of my favorite movies.

My balls itch.

Whatever, Murray. We know you have the big red phone with buttons that say "Clooney, Pitt, Spielberg, Scorsese and Hanks" on them.

I love it, too. One of those ones I'll watch every time I stumble across it on cable.

Let's be honest here, ZMF is right. Americans may be borderline retarded in many ways, but we are indisputably the best in the world when it comes to video entertainment. End of story.

So the answer to being selfish is to be secretive about it? I don't know about you douchebags, but I sure as hell would know if my wife was fucking around and I'm fairly certain she'd know if I was. Also, I'm not too big into living a lie just so I can stick my dick into a slightly different shaped hole.

And don't forget that his thievery earned him $5000. We're not just talking about ethics here, but cash.

I like and hate him. I completely sympathize with his complaints about Jasmine, but thought he went about communicating those concerns in the worst way possible. Then, he fucks someone else, risking his relationship with his son in the process (he's a smart enough guy to have thought through the consequences). And

I'm not sure it's possible to like WASP in 2011, even ironically. Too much has happened in the world since the 80s - too many changes. There is no longer a WASP-shaped hole in the fabric of our culture.

The Disney version was dark enough
I love del Toro, but c'mon.

Go back to your stamps!

Animal and Swedish Chef are from the Muppet Show. These guys were from Sesame Street.

I'm interested in checking this out. I love Jamie at Home, one of my favorite cooking shows ever.

Telly's probably my favorite monster.

Questing for queso and 'que? Queue up in Albuquerque.

I wasn't aware that a video existed for that song.

He was very disappointing in pretty much every way this week. Didn't follow through with his extremely reasonable feelings about their relationship (even if he expressed them in a less than ideal way) and then capped it off by being a complete douchebag. Jasmine was a total tool as well - she was completely