
Holy shit, Chartex, it sounds like they picked the exact perfect way to package both versions of the series. You're right, I gotta get that. Thanks for the inflammation.

Deal, no deal.

Wait, which Blu-ray is this? Is it the Blu-ray for the TOS series which features 'The Trouble with Tribbles' or is it some special, separate all-Tribbles thing I've never heard of?

1970 people, represent!
Let me tell you young people about the 70s.
They were fucking awesome.
Yes, 10 years later everything about the 70s was vilified, and rightfully so, because it was worthy of vilification. Yet the 70s were also awesome. At the same time.
In the 70s business culture was just figuring out that we

Bad Religion is unmitigatedly awesome
Anyone who would beat you up for wearing a Bad Religion shirt isn't your friend.

Excellent work, Calrissian. I dare say, Python-esque.

Dark Passengerside Airbag:


I have a soft spot for THE MEANING OF LIFE. I have heard pretty much every fan argue that it's among their weakest work, but it was my first exposure to Monty Python outside of the occasional glance at the show on PBS in to 70s.

Better get me a bucket. I'm going to throw up.

Thanks, I *am* too lazy to read Wikipedia!

The Lone Audience of the Apocalypse:

Sorry, so many comments
I don't have the time or patience to check if anyone else tried this one out:

When Smokey turns all "lightning-flashy" he's reading memories. He uses the information to become someone the subject has lost.

Word, everyone.

Shut up, everyone; parentheses are awesome.

No mention at all of THIS TIME?
Yoakam's honky-tonk fidelity is certainly celebrated, but his defining trait has to be his resistance to norms and expectations. I think THIS TIME is his best album because it showcases Yoakam at his most individualistic, sometimes so far out on a limb musically (for him) that he slips

Oh, of course! Chips Ahoy (tm)!

I am also a big 13TH WARRIOR fan, Jorge, as I have said more than a few times in the comments around here. Nice to hear I'm not alone.

Wait—how is that a pun?