
Hey, Nathan
This review was really something and I really dug it. Sometimes your language flourishes are a bit unnecessary and occasionally even distracting (but ALWAYS entertaining, don't misunderstand me), but here it seems like you really harnessed that fondness for ornamentation in service of your criticism.

Mehs all around
I always thought I would read this book when I finally found the time. Now, not so much.

FIRST to reply to this one!

I think I'm probably going full nerd here, but what the hell:

Wasn't there two versions, one for opening credits and one for closing, each mentioning which it was?

That is to say, FUCK!

All of the things that you said are correct.

Forreallyreals, that was some ambitious destruction depicted right there. I would see this.

You know who knows each other?

Public Enemy
When I was getting to be an adult, Public Enemy meant so much to me. As a white guy looking around at the race gap, trying to reconcile my love of hip hop music with a desire to avoid stupid white-dude cliches (wigger, liberal white guilt, etc.), it was beautiful to have such a source of optimism, social

That's why this grammar mistake persists, Dumbledore Calrissian, you many-dicked motherfucker you, because the wrong version makes more sense that the correct one. Turns out 'bated' is a word we don't even use any more.

Fuck, yes!

'Bated breath'
not 'baited'.

No, I think that pretty much covers it.

Say what you will, but that *is* some hilarious shit.

Pardon me for shouting but

Bojangles for the win, whenever I'm in North Carolina. Popeye's is also awesome, for when I'm everywhere else.

I heard…
…he's a good digger.


Oh, also, I admit that I said it poorly and you are right to point that out.